FreeBSD: Busted

I’m posting this from a borrowed Windows machine. FreeBSD was a bust. I got the whole thing optimized and ready to rock-n-roll, but most of the ports I needed were broken. That is, they refused to build, or did crazy things like looping and building the same dependency over and over. I couldn’t build MC, Vim, and some others refused to build without X dependencies. I gave up.

I’m beginning to wonder if anybody in Linux or BSD remembers the concept of “console only.” The projects are few, and most of those are aimed at server use. Is there nobody running Linux on the console only any more?

*sigh* I’m going to try Ubuntu Server. Maybe — just maybe — I can eventually find something usable. It used to be so easy to by-pass X and just get a good system. Now I know how it feels for blind users who are forced to struggle with such poor support.

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