Mostly Charade

It’s not as if fiction is a complete waste of time. For example, parables are essentially fiction. They propose an event which didn’t actually happen as a way to emphasize something which cannot be told. But it’s still fiction, just like my my little story about the man seeking to explain the inexplicable. A great deal of fiction is like that; who hasn’t at least heard of the novel 1984? It was the attempt by a genuine believer in communism to warn folks the pure vision of communist Utopia could be perverted like any other political structure. But wiser minds see it as the inevitable failure of something which cannot work because it ignores too much truth. How about Frank Herbert’s The Dosadi Experiment? That series of short stories indicates humans are amazingly adaptable to the most horrific conditions, particularly when they’ve never known anything else. Fiction can both reveal and hide.

As you view the news with a practiced skepticism, you could easily note most of what governments do is theater, designed to hide things. TSA is security theater, and has nothing to do with actually protecting flights. Much of the computer security software is security theater, too. Reality TV is anything but reality. All TV is pretty much theater, because it’s just too easy to show only what they want you to see.

So far, the theater is working. How often do people refer to something they saw in a fictional video as their basis for reasoning, as if it were real? How likely are the people in your circle of acquaintances to listen to discussions of cover-up in 9-11? Never mind the theories of what did happen, just mention the obvious lie of the buildings collapsing under heat stress from jet fuel. Most people prefer the fiction to reality, because it’s less work that way.

As long as the theater serves a purpose, it will continue. We have this massive pretense of trying to follow the US Constitution, but anyone who can read knows this is one of the biggest fictions of all. As long as the rabble are fairly quiet, this will continue. Rather like Herbert’s Dosadai world, we are slowly adapted to increasingly worse conditions, and it’s simply too much work even to contemplate how we might stop the slide into a full blown police state. If history is any guide, we all know there will come a point when it will be too much, and a significant portion will rise up to resist, even as the majority scream at them to stop, or at least try to hide away from the conflict. Eventually, the fiction breaks down, though.

To the degree you want to believe there is some “Illuminati” steering some events in this world, they are quite happy for America to waddle along its current path. It’s a lot less expensive than actually having to apply oppressive measures nakedly. Nobody I trust can claim to know the breaking point. Even the alleged Illuminati can’t control everything; they aren’t gods, regardless of what they might imagine about themselves. However, I’m pretty sure they don’t suffer from the mainstream addiction to the likes of Reality TV. They don’t drink fluoridated water, they don’t consume vast quantities of pharmaceuticals, but eat all organic foods, as far as anyone can find out. And while they may well be some of the most intelligent minds on earth, they can’t argue with God. He allows them to rule largely because we, the human race as a whole, prefer them to Him. We have bought their sales pitch.

While it’s possible you and I as individuals won’t survive the coming months as things get uglier, we can decide to take the path which sets us truly free. We don’t have to drink the koolade. Nor do we have to arm ourselves to the teeth, build bomb shelters and stockpiles of food and drink. Those things aren’t necessarily harmful in themselves, but they aren’t the real answer. You don’t even have to really buy into the Kingdom of Heaven business, and “get saved”, either. All you have to do is realize, from the beginning of time, there was Someone in charge, the Designer. Never mind what follows this world, your one true chance at a sane life here is to follow that way of life laid out so long ago no one really knows when it was. Nor does it matter. What matters is that sense of justice which stands at the very foundation of all human life.

As you probably already know, I’m referring to the justice system under the Laws of Noah. It’s the way the universe was designed to operate, and the universe itself will cooperate with your attempts to live that way.

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