Line in Sand of Your Mind

A basic rule of locker-room talk is those who really know how don’t bother talking about it. It’s not just a matter of sexual conquests, or targets thereof, but anything about which testosterone fires the boasting. Most common is discussion of martial exploits. Few who make threats are actually capable of carrying them out.

Recent photo image of the author

Recent photo image of the author

I am told by some this photo tends to project the image of a dangerous thug. That was meant simply as humor. The face belongs to a teddy bear kind of guy. Look at the background — those are my books. Most of them are Bibles or books about the Bible. Some of them are merely classical literature. I no longer get queasy at the sight of blood, but that’s only because I spent several years as a Military Police Traffic Investigator. My primary mission was taking photos of stuff you don’t want to see. Sometimes I still weep over the memories, just as I weep over injuries I witness in the present. I don’t talk much about what I saw, nor do I boast about the other stuff I had to do while wearing that big black brassard on my shoulder.

I’d rather make you laugh talking about such things as the day I had to physically inspect and read every single ID card for every single human passing through the gates one day during a high THREATCON. I was wearing one of the new cold-wet jackets, which didn’t have a place for name tags. After about three hours of this, someone asked me my name, and I had to pause for some long painful seconds before I could answer. It got a good laugh, and relieved a lot of tension. More tension relief came when reviewing the video tape of my performance, because in that jacket I bore a favorable likeness to a brick wall painted green. I’m only average height, but pretty bulky.

That means I’m simply a really big teddy bear. I’m the little boy who never grew up, and I roll on the floor with my granddaughter, matching her enthusiasm.

I worry about that tiny girl. I worry what the various government agencies have planned for her. It’s bad enough the public school system wants to turn her brain to mush. They also want to see her body filled with dangerous chemicals, most of which provide no real benefit to her, and some which are downright harmful. The call them “vaccinations.” I’m already working on a plan for homeschooling her, provided her parents agree when the time comes. I’m not too pleased with how the system wasted several years of life from her parents, and things could surely have been better. But it’s the inoculations which loom as the larger threat.

Indeed, it looms for all of us. Say what you like, but I have seen enough evidence that flu vaccines, particularly when mandatory, are far more dangerous than any flu. And yes, there’s all that other information out there the mainstream press refuses to report, such as how Baxter sent vials of active flu virus all over the world, how everyone not chained down with a government provided, or government controlled, paycheck says the current flu virus could not evolve on its own, but had to come from a lab. And then there are the hundreds of experiments conducted by the US government on her own population without bothering to tell them they had been exposed to biological agents… No, I do not trust any part of the U.S. federal government. I worked next to government bureaucrats in the military, and it was shocking how many of them would willingly pull the switch to kill thousands or their fellow citizens if so ordered. It gets worse as their authority increases, as if it were a requirement for promotion.

I can’t identify all the different lines a government might cross, all the various forms of oppressive tyranny, or downright stupidity and incompetence, but I can assure you those lines are there. When something comes across them — God help me — the teddy bear becomes a grizzly. I’m not sure when or how, but a part of me hasn’t forgotten there are a thousand ways to bring fear into the hearts of an army of tyrants and the people who serve them.

It’s too late for stockpiling, too late for building defenses or setting up escape routes. Any day now the full force of human evil will burst like a dam. No one living on this earth can predict the time, place, or form it will take. There are some actually hoping for it, actively planning how to profit from it, but they don’t hold all the cards. Do you know it would only take an hour for some banking mogul somewhere on this earth to reduce the US dollar to less than 10,000 to one euro? And does anyone really know what Big Pharma might have cooked up in the labs, which could be slipped into every municipal water supply overnight? Or any number of other nightmare scenarios? Even without direct intervention by elite hands hidden from view, we are already going to suffer a deep slide into economic depression. While I was writing this, two more banks were being closed by the FDIC. Depression is a given, regardless. No power on earth can stop it now.

So I’m waiting, simply because there’s nothing else I can do. You can only be so proactive before your efforts dissipate in the mists of all the unguessable possibilities. The only real preparation that matters is inside you. Set aside the locker room exploits you find on the Net, or in your social circles. Look in the mirror of your soul. What really matters to you? If there aren’t some hard lines drawn in the sands of your mind, you might as well roll over and pretend nothing will happen. Hug your teddy bear and go back to sleep.

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