Noah and the Power of Islam

Why would God allow Islam to spread so relentlessly around the world? Because so many nominal Christians have no answer for this, they have concluded God wants them to destroy the Muslims through war. Isn’t Islam and evil religion?

Islam is not a religion, per se. It is best to view Islam as a social milieu with a religious component. Further, the cultural and intellectual foundation of Islam is rather close to the ANE. As such, we find Islam produces a society much closer to Noah than just about any other society currently in existence. Islam is not good; it is simply better. In terms of the Covenant of Noah, it is by far vastly superior to Western Civilization as it now exists.

For God to remain consistent in His promises under Noah, He must grant a preference to it as the best game in town. Barring the rise of something more precisely observant of Noah, it will eventually take over most of the world. It is hardly a secret the Christian faith slices through the religious component of Islam like a hot knife through butter, as it does every other belief system on this planet. Genuine Christianity is based entirely on the miracle of God’s grace bringing life to dead souls. Wherever the gospel is presented with any degree of accuracy, God uses it to open the spiritual graves and bring His Son’s Spirit into the new born spirits. No other religion could possibly offer that. Our grand mistake is not going farther to claim the better understanding of Noah, and building a social structure to reflect it. Instead, we spin our wheels promoting the failed Western rationalist society. That society is powerless to resist the superior covenant embrace of Islamic culture.

Western Evangelical ignorance and confusion about the actual requirements in the Bible provokes us to hideous behavior which God cannot support, even as we carry His Spirit in our faith.

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