Babylon Is Fallen

While there is an element of theology here, making it seem more appropriate to my other blog, there is a particular call for action under Noah which does not require a spiritual grasp to get it.

Babylon is the symbolic term for Satan’s commerce in human souls. We summarize all that talk with a characteristic definition: Babylon means everything has a price, and that’s all that matters. This is directly contrary to Noah, and very obviously at odds with “Love the Lord with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.” Love dies when a price tag is attached to anything. That’s not a condemnation of the academic discipline of Economics, but a condemnation of what’s done with it most of the time. Understanding human behavior through observation of economic activity is wisdom. Acting purely on economic interests and principles is obeying Satan.

Consider the big picture on a more global scale. Politics are local, but there is an element of truth in the socialist/communist “we are the world.” While God surely acts in the life of the individual, it’s downright stupidity to think that’s the end of the discussion, since the vision from the beginning was to reach all mankind. Not blindly, but with an eye to the moral effects of all our actions, as the smallest thing can change everything.

Those who embrace what is typically thought of as political conservatism, aside from no longer having any real representation in the US government, also suffer from a severe myopia regarding economic actions. Shipping a factory to impoverished lands does economic good to the laborers hired there; it must also inevitably change their lives on a vast scale, things which cannot be measured economically. It takes a very dark moral conscience to believe economics answers the whole of our responsibilities. Conducting your personal life along prissy middle class Western lines does not complete your responsibilities before God. If you create a deep hunger for hedonistic pleasures, then use that to sucker some poor country into accepting your factories, with all the hugely different cultural processes inside, destroying their tribal existence as if it’s not a factor at all, then you are the dope dealer selling crack to little kids. To suggest these things is not “liberalism” — the world is not that simple. You have touched the life of another human being, and God holds you accountable.

Every empire in history follows the same life cycle. The whole thing hinges on some means of asserting force in other lands. Whether it be advanced tactics, better organization, cultural allure, better technology, combinations of those things or something altogether different, you can’t play games with words to deny that’s what is happening. You have something different than the folks you touch there in those other lands, and assuming it’s automatically better just because you can use it or make them want it is incredible arrogance — it’s sin. It’s also so common, nobody wants to discuss it. Assyria had a unique warrior culture, Babylon had genius rulers, Persia had a distinct moral and religious union, Greece had another genius leader with advanced military tactics, Rome had superior organization (even as she destroyed the humanity of all she touched), etc. There were other factors in each case, such as Greece’s cultural evangelism on which Rome piggy-backed, but the point is we can see each empire had some unique advantage which allowed them to project their power and influence into places lacking that vitality.

That vitality permitted the growing empire to absorb the resources of other countries, which always serves to artificially inflate the economic situation back home. No matter how you cut it, the imperial forces are stealing and enslaving those they conquer, by whatever means they conquer. You can only do that so long before there’s a backlash. Every empire has been based on greed, arrogance and adventure-seeking (entertainment). The moral laws of the Universe (AKA the Covenant of Noah) can be ignored only so long before God puts them back in place. We call that carrying the seeds of your own demise when you ignore them.

America, at the head of the Western Empire, is about to harvest what has sprouted from those seeds. Because we have projected our power over the whole globe, the collapse will affect all humanity. The depression has started, and in a month or so, it will be impossible to ignore. But it won’t be a short-lived correction. It will be long and painful, lasting easily more than a decade. The fiat currency system has enslaved nearly the entire human race, and with it the infestation of blindness about how this world actually works. It would easily take ten or twenty years to correct any part of that before some other force rises. It won’t be the West, not as we now know it.

This is God’s justice.

Now is the time to grasp the fundamental understanding of what Noah demands. It will hardly be easy, because it requires a complete shift of worldview, a cultural shock, but one which must be chosen intentionally. If you fail to embrace the removal of price tags, embrace the tribal social structure, accept the broad mystical moral assumptions, you will suffer in terms all too predictable.

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