They Call It “Protest Art”

As a kid, I dabbled in graphics arts some. I used to carry a sketch pad a lot of places and did impromptu renderings of things I saw. As an adult, I managed to paint a couple of murals which people actually wanted. Most of that faded before I was 25. By no stretch of the imagination am I a good painter or sketch artist. I’m not all that creative with visual stuff. I do okay with parody of something someone else did, and I do okay with simple decorative stuff. Still, I’m not really a graphics artist.

However, lately I’ve been hit with the itch to do some of that stuff again. I have no strong pull to fine arts, but I do have this nagging thought about something such as sidewalk chalk and fairly simple messages. Naturally, my “protest” is against sin, and I have little interest in typical secular protests about politics and social causes. On the other hand, I suppose my ideas are quite radical and would very much call people to rebel against the current ruling regime here.

It would be interesting if I could get a decent digital camera, then I could post pictures of anything I do along those lines. For now, though, it’s just an itch. I’m praying about it.

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