Picture a Depression

Try to follow this; think holistically, think big picture, the broad scope. Set aside for a moment the anecdotes which indicate the exceptions and consider the obvious trends in a broad sweep.

We are in for a rough patch. It’s not enough to talk about the collapse of the US dollar, and it won’t serve much to chase too many threads about what the Illuminati are going to do or not do. They aren’t omnipotent or omniscient, and will have to deal with reality the same as the rest of us. It’s more important to begin building a generalized, non-specific picture of what happens after the dollar collapses. Then, go back and apply those general trends to your daily existence.

Aside from a handful of regulations, there are almost no significant barriers between nations and countries any more, as regards the movement of wealth. You might have a tough time moving your body and real property across a border, but your money is already there. The banking system has been globally linked for a long time, and the only thing a border means is an excuse to charge a fee to access your supply of electronic data at your bank. Go anywhere you like and throw it on the plastic; they’ll take care of it for you.

The use of the dollar is critical here, because for the last few decades, that was the big kid on the block among national currencies. So much so US bureaucrats at one point twisted arms and made the whole world treat the dollar as the international trade currency. Once that was done, our biggest and brightest CEOs convinced the government the consuming public would benefit from moving the mundane factory production activity to places where the dollar bought more of life than it would in the US. That means lowering labor costs to lower the price of stuff you buy in the store. That did happen, as our cost of living went down, but it also slowly bled away the means of making a living here. There was a large effort to create high paying jobs which didn’t really do or make anything, but kept the dollars running around in circles fast enough no one noticed there was no place for them to go but out of the country. Celente refers to running money around fast as the bubbles; it looks like a lot of money because it’s moving so fast.

We started buying a lot of stuff. And we were importing almost everything we consumed, except for a few things which can’t be sold that way. Even now, they are trying to find new ways to ship more jobs overseas to lower price employment markets. The point is, it allows these companies with a headquarters office here to own nothing else here but the market for their goods, all of which are made elsewhere. And they get to keep their accounting in dollars, because dollars can go anywhere. As those dollars bled away over the past few decades, there was more and more air space between them, as it were, until there weren’t that many to bounce off the sides any more, and the pressure deflated out of the bubble. Meanwhile, the spot from where the bubble grew was being excavated secretly to keep the bubble inflated. When the bubble collapses, it will have a lot farther to fall than when it started. The pit is massive beyond imagination.

It’s falling. Adding trillions of new dollars no longer works, and pretty soon the whole thing dies. The dollar will have no value, because there will be more dollars than grains of sand on the seashore. In economics, the most valuable thing is that which is hardest to get, of which thing the people highly value. When dollars are too easy to get, nobody cares, nobody wants them. There is some invisible tipping point out there in the collective minds of the world when the dollar is suddenly worth nothing (more or less), and they won’t accept any more. Imports stop.

Since we import everything imaginable, that means there will be nothing to buy or sell. Dollars might still mean something here, but there won’t be anything here for which to exchange them. After decades of buying stuff on credit which we really didn’t need, but felt we just had to have, now we can’t even get food. Because your fake job doing nothing but tossing dollars around also died, and you don’t have any dollars to grab and keep. All those nice nifty things you bought on credit are being reclaimed by those who hold your loans.

So maybe the repo-man can’t get paid, and you get to keep some stuff. What good will it do? You can’t put gas in the car, so they might as well take that. Wait, you might need a place to sleep, since your house/apartment is gone. What are you gonna do, start robbing? The businesses are closed. Your neighbor has nothing, just like you. You can’t even steal what you need. We can’t get it anywhere else, so we’ll have to start all over from scratch learning how to make our own stuff again. The time and effort it takes to turn your world around and start living like the original colonists coming here to America is called “friction” by economists. It’s a drag having to start all over. Some folks take to it right away, but most will not. They are completely disoriented; someone took away their dreamscape and left a nightmare in its place.

In fact, the people most likely to fight reality and demand a return to the dream are those in government who are largely responsible for this mess. They will honestly believe they are doing you a great service, and will demand to be paid. They will insist all that money they keep spending has to keep coming in, and will squeeze you for it. There simply are no words for the kind of squeezing they will do. Life will be hard enough, but they will try to take everything you have and demand more. And you think the colonists had it tough with hostile natives. This time you will be the native, and the invaders will be government thugs. Your government is already your greatest threat, but when things really get difficult, it will be open warfare. That is, until reality hits DC and they stop.

I have no idea what it will take for any government to face reality, but that period of time between the high and the bottom of withdrawals is also a part of that economic “friction.” I’m pretty sure there will a mass of bloodshed we cannot imagine. Meanwhile, you will still have to build a new status quo in your local community, fighting off the mass of predatory bandits who will act just like government, demanding you support their lifestyle, and you will have a hard time distinguishing between government and bandits. It really depends on cultural factors where you live, but the so-called Wild Wild West will be tame by comparison.

Ever heard of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

This is the reality you, and I, and the Illuminati will have face. It’s not as if this is the end of the world, but things will be tough for as long as it takes to rebuild an economy where we have something besides worthless dollars to ship overseas in exchange for whatever it is they have to sell us. What complicates things even further is the Illuminati will be trying to keep you from recovering too much. While we are down, they will be working feverishly to cement their hold on everything that makes trade and communication possible between countries. They will be seeking direct control over the government here and everywhere else, via control over economic activity.

I’m not sure any living being can accurately predict what that will look like. However, I do know the one thing they cannot control without your full cooperation: your mind. Unless you make that open invitation, they can’t get inside. Yeah, you know what that means. You’ll have filter everything coming into your mind to keep out their controls. That means every mainstream information outlet: TV, AM-FM radio, Net 2.0 (not the underlying Internet, yet), newspapers, most public libraries, all public advertising, etc. You’ll even hear it echoed by airheads around you. A tall order it is escaping their noise. But once you do, you can decide for yourself what you really need in your life, what you really want, and stop buying their sewage. They will surely try to limit all opportunities to escape, making it illegal to even think freely. You can already go to jail for refusing to accept certain monumental fictions put forth by governments.

This is no dystopian fiction for your entertainment. Your best hope is to embrace a mindset of thinking for yourself. Even if it turns out you were wrong, every time you get a better picture of things, a commitment to know the reality of things will serve you better than buying the lies. Make your own path, provide for your own needs, and stand free of artificial support which entraps you like a drug. None of us will ever be completely independent, but you can understand your real limits and choose carefully where you place your trust. Pull away, if ever so slightly, and begin standing on your own. When enough of us do that, we can make it very, very hard for the Illuminati to make choices for us.

Concrete examples:

  • Be conscious of the mind shaping illusions of mainstream media. Read some classical literature and build a whole new view of reality. I prefer ANE philosophy, but I can’t push my preference on you, only warn you God’s own mind is found there.
  • Make your brain ready to see opportunities to produce your own food, process it, cook it from scratch, etc. Circumstances will limit you, but need not prevent a creative solution.
  • Be mobile in every sense. Sentimental attachments are not a good basis for decision making.
  • Make terms with a give-n-take world, instead of demanding a perfect solution. That latter makes you more likely to demand assistance from, and remain dependent on, a government which does not love you. Get to where you never need to call cops, firemen, or any other emergency service. Freedom is more valuable than comfort.
  • Encourage every other human to be free. Their good choices will make your life better, even as your freedom improves theirs.
  • Consciously build community.

Note: The term “Illuminati” here represents an unknown They out there in the world who surely exist, but are hard to pin down. They want to rule all humanity, and there appears to be a number of different, and sometimes, competing agendas among this global elite. Not knowing who they are does not prevent us discerning their plans, nor disable us from effectively keeping them out of our lives. Be certain, under whatever suave exterior, these people are unspeakably evil, willing and self-conscious.

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