Your Next New Government

Okay, we have had a really bad time with that king and his minions in the assembly. Fat lot of good that thing was made His Majesty give up some power; he just got more people to agree with him about oppressing us. So let’s do away with inherited titles and such, and make the government rest entirely upon the consent of the governed.

Now, we have to separate out the judicial, legislative and executive. And we really shouldn’t make it too easily manipulated by the winds of daily fashion, so we’ll make the offices stable, splitting the legislative between a popular one and a state one. And make sure all the states can get together and change things if they try really hard. The executive we’ll screen behind a bunch of electors who can change their minds, but probably won’t. Then we’ll make the executive choose the judicial, and the legislative has to okay it. Checks-n-balances, you see.

Oh, wait. We got an executive which lies to the people and creates a false impression of things. Well, that’s okay, we have the other two branches. No, he picks the judges and lies to the legislative about them. And now the legislative has been hijacked by moneyed interests and are lying to the people, too. And parties own the process and won’t let anyone in who isn’t part of their system.

Wow. We went from a single point of failure to a broad coalition of multiple points of failure. Used to you only had to take out a small handful of powerful oppressors, but now we have a million of them getting paid out of the same corrupt system.

Do we need a new paradigm? Because wiping out the big bunch while keeping the same ideals will only bring back a new corrupt army of rulers, rather like the ones we have now. Yep. How about a government which simply can’t get away from the people they have to rule? How about one that has to face them and their concerns every day, and can’t go away and hide behind vestments of office to shut them out? How about a government most likely to love you? Yes, it’s always possible someone won’t really love you, just pretend, but if they are within arm’s reach, it’s pretty hard to deceive you always. How about a government that is strictly family?

I call it Primitive Tribal politics. I found it in the Bible, as the design God used for His people.

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