Lessons in Propaganda: My Dog Tank

There is a popular tale making the email rounds. Among the various titles, I received it as “To Whoever Gets My Dog”. This is merely pro-war jingoist propaganda (not to mention bad grammar — try “Whomever” as in “To Whom”).

As far as anyone has tried to find, it’s not a true story. I won’t bother duplicating the research, because the underlying point is too obvious, whether the story is true or not. It’s designed to evoke feelings, thus shutting down any hope of rational discussion. It creates an atmosphere wherein reason is smothered by a wealth of prejudice.

The fundamental issue is our wars in the Middle East are utterly abhorrent before God because there is nothing in them to promote His justice. You should know I have no quarrel with national defense, but those people did nothing to us, nor even provided a significant threat to any of our allies. Whatever Iraq was, we created it. We made Saddam Hussein, and gave him whatever weapons of mass destruction he ever possessed. He was our thug, bought and paid for, and we simply created false excuses to attack him. If the real objective had been simply to remove him because he was our thug, it could easily have been done with a lot less mess. Instead, we have some 4000 troops dead, trillions of dollars wasted, a million plus Iraqis dead, and ancient tensions brought to life in a country which had been pretty stable. We have further doomed all citizens of that land to the worst level of poverty and misery because we have destroyed 100 parts for every one part of their infrastructure we rebuilt. Our actions there are utterly criminal, and if that’s not enough, we have created persecution for Christians, which nearly did not exist before our invasion. We have attacked God on this one.

As for Afghanistan, it’s much the same story. Let’s point up our national crimes there by one primary item: heroin. When the Taliban ruled, heroin was in short supply coming out of Afghanistan. The CIA and other clandestine services, we can easily prove, have used major drug trafficking to fund their nefarious activities. Among other things, this was a primary reason for attacking the Taliban. Whereas, Afghanistan under the Taliban produced a couple hundred tons of heroin per year, now it’s several thousand tons. Sure, our troops there are shutting down the fields they find, but we know from leaked documentation the CIA considers this just the cost of doing business. Look, the Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie was entirely a matter of killing some CIA contractors who were going to rat out the CIA full-timers on the Afghan production. We are doing nothing good in Afghanistan compared to our destruction.

And any imagined threat from radical Islamic terrorists is entirely the creation of our CIA, in league with allied clandestine services, in the first place. The Taliban are little more than sons of the Mujaheddin we funded to oust the Soviets. Further, it’s not hard to find lots of evidence linking CIA funding to many Taliban leaders and Al-Qaeda, as well. The schizophrenia of our foreign policy, with our own black ops folks killing our soldiers is amazing, and one of the best kept secrets of our time.

But the dog story was designed to teach us to ignore all that and focus on what great heroes our troops are. They may well be that; I knew a few back when I served around the time of the first Gulf War. That doesn’t change how utterly stupid is the policy which expends hero lives in futility. I assure you, plenty of our national leaders are in on this real life conspiracy, aimed at enriching a small handful of greedy elite on the backs of the sheeple. This little tear-jerker fills us with warmth about dogs and soldiers, but serves to destroy God’s own truth.

Our nation has sinned mightily and refuses to repent. All we have to show for it is cute fiction to cover the slaughter. There is nothing noble about it.

Update: Oh, just dandy. We have also invaded Pakistan. Yes, and Iran is next. God help us.

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