How Far Will It Go?

There is rampant speculation regarding the impending burst of tyranny in the US.

I’m not a prophet. I’m just another blogging idiot with an opinion, but I contend it’s an informed opinion. I’ve worked in government and law enforcement, among other things. I’ve lived long enough to watch government figures do some of the awfullest things, watched it up close in a few cases. The arrogance and willful stupidity can be breathtaking at times. I’ve also read the thoughts of some truly unconscionable theorists, promoting notions which reduce humans to something approximating hens in a CAFO egg farm, and I note many of them now serve in the US government.

That a change, a major ground shift, is coming is simply unquestionable. Government is releasing information carefully crafted to create a climate of fear. The only possible motive is to make sure there is bloody chaos to excuse a major crackdown, severe and painful repression.

The estimates range between life in Soviet Russia all the way to something which makes current conditions in Gaza look like a vacation. Can you picture folks volunteering to serve in Iraq or Afghanistan so they can take a break? The extreme pundits indicate something a planned mass reduction in population, and a favorite hobby horse is forced inoculations of fatal poisons masked as Swine Flu vaccine.

Perhaps the hardest part is estimating the level of complicity in various actors on the stage of this drama. I’ve already noted my opinion, but let’s review:

  • The President is an empty suit, a man for sale, and will do what his owners tell him. Pay no attention to his words, but watch what he signs off on, because his handlers are the real rulers.
  • Congress is a mixed bag: a few who hope to do good, a great many convinced they know what’s good, most are bought and paid for, and small core who have consciously sold their souls to Satan.
  • The Supreme Court is loaded now with sharp legal minds chained to hideous delusions of what “justice” means.
  • A very large number of CEOs who would wipe the earth of all life if they could escape with a good profit. However, it seems this quarter’s bottom line looks good with just a heedless pollution of known toxins which work slowly enough for them to deploy that golden parachute just before it all collapses.
  • Somewhere out there is a known core of elite would-be global rulers.

Most everyone else is a puppet on a string. A precious few might be able and willing to cut those strings, but it’s a race to see if they’ll wake up soon enough to commit to a course of justice. This would be the armed government thugs, some of whom do have an active conscience. By no means should you imagine the flag ranks of the military are uniformly anything. I suspect the good guys are outnumbered, though. Whether they can really get the troops on the ground to do their will remains to be seen. The current expeditions in the Middle East seem partially designed to reduce the likelihood of dissent in the ranks. It wouldn’t surprise me to read accusations those who retain a conscience are the ones coming home in bags, boxes or wrapped in bandages.

Need I remind my readers there are several states already making noises about opting out of the national madness? There are levels of resistance somewhat short of outright secession, so we should expect a good portion, particularly in the Heartland, will simply refuse to cooperate. Much depends on the particular mix of tricks and tacks which end up being used to justify martial law. I’m pretty sure there will be a declaration of martial law, but I doubt it will be evenly applied in all parts of the US.

Not just in the back of my mind am I praying God save me from having to play soldier again. I don’t fear a military draft which might actually go so far as to capture aging men like me. Should I sense the calling of God in it, I’ll go. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure I’ll have lots of company in resisting. Rather, my real dread is having to fight in a civil war here. There is no eagerness for adventure and warfare surging in my breast, but by the same token, I’ll certainly engage whomever makes themselves my enemy, to include the entire system of government currently slouching toward that final breaking point when we just can’t take any more. Whatever life or death these ruling elite have planned for us, I’d rather die on terms of my own choosing.

I’m hardly alone. How many I’ll stand with depends on how far is “too far” in the minds of those likely to resist. The problem is we dare not forget all this crap going on will surely encourage the predators in our world to come out and play. So while we may or may not fight any oppressors, we will surely be fighting all too soon ordinary criminal gangs. We are in for a rough ride.

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