Check Your Ammo

How are you going to fight if you have no weapon?

Yes, I believe doom and gloom is on our doorstep. It’s not a bad idea to have weapons and ammo. It’s a pretty good idea to convert whatever fungible wealth you have into things which retain their value regardless of circumstances. That is, buy stuff which will help you stay alive and keep the food coming. Buy durable and comfortable clothing, tools, etc. It won’t hurt to have a tent big enough to house you and your family. By the way, that means enough tentage for no less than twice the number in terms of sleeping space. Try a week of rain in a tent, and you’ll understand. You just can’t estimate how things will go, but you can be sure they will go down.

But that’s only secondary. You see, everything you can buy can be stolen or confiscated. Whether the thugs are private or government won’t make much difference, but defending your possessions may become really challenging in the near future. If there’s anything about which people get creative quickly, it’s staying alive and comfortable at the expense of others. The one place you can invest which can’t be taken from you is in yourself.

A significant part of my heritage is realizing the most valuable investment is experience. Not just formal education, though that’s precious enough, but paying the price to gain the experiences which prepare you for whatever you will be facing. Wise men voluntarily submit to experiences they hope they’ll never need. The best education always includes at least a cursory examination of starting from scratch on just about anything. If you didn’t get any of that, I sincerely hope you’ve been paying attention to the details while watching Survivor.

The most important skill of all is human nature. That is, a conscious knowledge of human nature. First, know yourself. That’s such old and consistently proven advice, it shouldn’t require mention. After that, know what makes other people tick. Do you know how to negotiate? Do you have a strong sense of things you cannot surrender, as well as a strong sense of where surrender will bear the best gain? In the coming days, we should expect to see events and circumstances which will challenge your ability to survive, not in the wilds of nature, but in the wilderness of human nature.

If you have a poor grasp of your own nature, you are in serious trouble. Check your ammo.

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