Flu Vaccine Noise Still Loud

The flu vaccine noise is very high today. On the Establishment side is the continuing hysteria about the so-far wimpy flu threat, along with the calm professional assurance you really need to get that shot. It’s funny how it seems no part of the official media sources even discuss the possibility folks might not want it. Absolutely none of them would dare to mention the track record of flu vaccines from the very start has been really bad, and that all vaccines in general are considered questionable at best. That’s because all the voices are bought and paid for, shills for Big Pharma.

On the other side is the ratcheting hysteria over policies and methods of forced inoculations. It won’t be uniform no matter what happens. Even a federal declaration of martial law will be unevenly enforced at best. Some states would officially say “no” right away, and that sentiment seems to be growing right now. Even within states suffering from brain dead suicidal tyrants, enforcement will fail in some areas simply because pockets of effective armed resistance are sure to arise. I suppose we can take bets on how many dead cops and troops it will take before government reconsider such evil policy. What we cannot take bets on is whether there will be any dead cops or troops, because that is certain.

Speaking of hysteria and troops, there’s a patch of noise over at Prison Planet. Most of the time we can safely dismiss their stuff as hyperbole, since Alex Jones is pure huckster who only happens to occasionally say something useful about resisting government. That’s because he refuses to connect such tyranny alerts with the real source. I won’t say he’s a shill for some propaganda agency, but he’s a devoted slave to profits, and only by accident a servant of truth. That is, he’ll do his best to use truth as a means to profit, but won’t share facts unpopular with the supposed gun-slingers who pay his bills. Still, what his associate Paul Watson writes is really only a wrap-up of stories already released in other places. It’s up to you if this connects real dots or just coincidence.

I find myself unable to be sanguine about the use of troops for domestic peace keeping. Let’s put this in context. I’ve already stated repeatedly I find the entire American Experiment unbiblical from the beginning. Further, while I dearly love the people in this country, I love them in other countries, too. My loyalty is to Christ, and no human government can claim my loyalty. What they can expect is my effort to remain at peace with all men on God’s terms, which is without question better terms than any human can devise. To the degree that human government agrees with God’s Word, things are cool. Insofar as they do not, I reject their claim on my obedience. Without a doubt this will someday cost me a great deal, and may bring me death. That’s not my concern, since God is the owner. I’ll obey Him. When human government has done all it can to me, I still have to stand before God. So whether troops as cops is unconstitutional means little to me. They are, but that’s not the point. What matters most is we cannot trust them to uphold the Constitution to which they are sworn. They will do as they are told, which means violence against you and I when so ordered. I don’t trust them.

So while they are our family members, they are still locked under their command structure. In other words, they are already the enemy, because government decided long ago we were the enemy. It’s just a matter of time and circumstance showing us at what point this becomes obvious. That decision was not fully conscious, nor deliberate across the board, but you can be sure everyone in government “service” has long since ceased thinking of themselves as part of the people they govern. They are a class apart, and that has been so woven into the fabric of government, it’s just the basic assumption of all operations.

So, while the noise level, about flu vaccine in particular, remains pretty high, I have to wonder if the vast majority will simply not hear. Most who proclaim a readiness to resist are only making noise, themselves. To the degree possible, this whole thing is going to be slipped in place without any sudden changes. The presence of troops doing police duties in many places already, “just for practice,” does indicate the high likelihood those locales will see them very regularly very soon. All that blather about preparing for emergencies should terrorists attack? Don’t forget, the Department of Homeland Defense is on record saying anyone who voices doubts about federal policy is probably a terrorist.

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