Speculation for Fun and Entertainment

Let’s dream for a moment.

Let’s dream this flu shot noise is not just a trick, but is multiple tricks. On the one hand, it’s a trick to get people in a panic rush — that is, the ordinary koolaid drinkers who watch mainstream news on TV and such. Get them to line up and take the poison. Never mind how many billions are scraped off the taxpayers, enough for Big Pharma to come back and spread fat “campaign contributions” to your Congressperson.

Now, let’s suppose there is another trick to it, though. Let’s dream TPTB know a bunch of us won’t line up. So they leak it here and there they’re planning to force it, but never officially discuss it. Alongside the flu hysteria they are building an anti-vaccine hysteria. On purpose. And make sure it really looks like they are planning it.

Who would notice if they slipped around and pulled some other stunt? Perhaps use the entire mess, both sides, to create such an awful noise, it covers for some truly awful act. Hmmm. What might that be?

Oh, by the way, did you know it’s just possible, in theory, for the US government to pull out of this depression in the next year? They could get a bunch of other nations to agree with them at the same time to repudiate all national debts. Since most of the bonds, bill, etc., are held by other nations, all holding each others’ debts, they could agree to go that way. It would be painful, but probably the least painful of all options. For one thing, the entire middle class world wide would take a hit. You know, every insurance company, every pension company, and a whole bunch of other companies, are heavily vested in worthless mortgage derivatives. Lots of companies which really don’t do anything but take your money and help you fulfill government mandates will have to close up shop. Everybody’s pension goes away. Savings go poof, along with all 401Ks, etc.

Then, these governments would agree to all get together and support the issue of a new global currency. Future payments from the governments, at least, would be in the new currency. How nice. But what you might not realize is a huge number of companies will close, and even more people would be out of work. Except, the government will no longer be sinking under that massive debt load, so they could afford to front-load a recovery. Yeah, they can start all over again borrowing. Of course, just about the only source of income for anyone will be a government job. In a sense, I suppose, that means everyone who wants to eat will have to seek government assistance, but that means turning yourself over for forced job assistance. Don’t forget, they’ll be needing several hundred thousand new troops real soon now.

And they’ll need lots of people to work the new government-owned industries forced to close, or those the government buys to keep them alive. Since all those mortgages get bailed out, the government will own all the real estate. But, hey, you’ll be back to work … for whatever the government decides you should be paid. And no more benefits than they please to grant. Wherever it is they want you to work. At whatever it is they want you to do.

And as a part of this really cool deal with other nations, a whole bunch of federal lands, and newly obtain federal land confiscations, get turned over to the UN. And folks get driven off their property. And on and on it goes. Try looking it up. I think it’s called Agenda 21. The details are mind-numbingly long and complicated, but it amounts to enslaving the entire world under UN communist control. Government gets to decide whether you even will wear underwear, what type, color and size.

Let’s pretend it won’t matter all the other issues like the flu vaccine, more wars, Global Warming, etc. It’s all just bits and pieces of something far, far bigger. Welcome to the New World Order, citizen. Or is that, Brave New World? I forget. My dreams keep getting mixed up in one big nightmare. You can’t click your red shoes, Dorothy, because Toto is dead and those are chains on your legs.

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