Last One

This is it. I’m not going to chase any more predictions of doom and gloom. From here on out, the only thing I’ll have to say about government will be entirely academic, historical, or real time events as I see them. Speculation I may report from others if it looks really strong, but I’m not going to discuss my theories of doom-n-gloom.

The time for theory and predictions is over. It’s here, and it’s either happening or it’s not.

So for my last predictions, let’s establish my underlying assumption about which I will not debate, nor attempt to prove: Government spokesmen are liars, and government announcements of any type are lies. It may turn out some of the content is factual, but anything which really matters is almost invariably a deception. Government is lying on just about everything.

Perhaps you know there is the seasonal flu vaccine already available from various suppliers right now, and it is not the Swine Flu (H1N1) vaccine, which is another round of stuff coming to the US sometime in the next two weeks. But it may not matter much that there are two different vaccines, because the current seasonal vaccine is so reliably harmful, we can consider it typical for people receiving it to become quite ill. I say if you accept that vaccine, you are a fool. You’ll be an even bigger fool if you take the Swine Flu vaccine later in October/November.

Consider this: The US federal and some individual state governments have already made preparations to reduce quality standards for these vaccines. For example, Washington state has dropped the mercury contamination threshold because they already know the vaccines will contain a dangerously high mercury content, in the form of thimerosal. As far as I know, it is not possible to introduce mercury into the body in any form which will not be toxic, and there is actually no safe threshold. Then there’s the squalene, and an increasing likelihood the Swine Flu vaccine is nothing of the kind, but is actually a toxic cocktail designed to sicken, sterilize, cripple, and kill all who receive it. It may well contain actual viruses, and there is reason to believe it will be included with an injected RFID — without notice. Most diabolical of all is these effects won’t be seen for some weeks or months later in most cases. Yes, I’m telling you I am utterly convinced those in the government pushing this vaccine have evil motives, and hope to see the residents of this nation harmed.

As the noise concerning forced inoculations becomes louder, you will notice not once has anyone in government denied it. You’ll find record of health officials saying it should be voluntary, but you won’t find anyone trying to reassure the population it won’t be forced. Instead, we have dozens of leaks indicating it will not only be forced, it will be utterly shocking in brutality. If you manage to avoid the shot, you’ll be taken by bus to a quarantine camp, a concentration camp. You’ll be treated poorly, fed even worse, and generally feel like an enemy POW. Picture yourself confined in that dome in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, but without the facilities. At least, this is the current understanding of what is planned.

It may not happen that way in every place. Indeed, I strongly expect a lot of armed folks will respond violently. That means dead troops and cops, along with various health professionals. I’m quite certain various government officials know this, but all too many will do it any way. It’s just the same with a lot of other unspeakably insane things done by government officials here in the US. Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and soon Iran — every bit of it based on lies. We have troops in Afghanistan guarding heroin poppy fields. We have already killed more Iraqis than Hussein could ever dream of killing. Meanwhile, we have the various national clandestine services keeping the action going by hiring “terrorists” in Iraq and Pakistan, and they are funding and arming the Taliban. The mythical al-Qaeda is nothing more than a CIA-Mossad-MI6 operation. Here at home, cops sent in provocateurs during recent protests to act with violence so as to justify violence against the protesters. So look for some of the same stupid crap to take place as people attempt to peacefully avoid the vaccines. Someone will pretend to be an anti-government terrorist and will spark violence, justifying an unconscionable crack-down, which will force liberty-minded people to fight back.

And it will all justify yet more lies to herd the entire population into martial law.

So if any of this happens in even one location in the US, I won’t be quite such an idiot, or nut-case, or whatever you want to call it. If no part of this seems to be coming by mid-October, I’m closing this blog. At that point, it won’t make any difference with what goes on inside my head, but there won’t be any point in writing about it. But if much of it happens at all, I may not be able to blog anyway. Either way, I’m through with chasing possibilities. Come back tomorrow and I’ll either tell you of dire events actually happening, or we’ll talk about Linux, Noah, or whatever strikes my fancy.

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