A Generalized Theory of Conspiracy

It must be understood all government is conspiracy. People conspire together to gain power over others. You can say all you want about the nice theories behind democratic republics, but you can’t prevent a conspiracy of individuals from hijacking the whole thing. In the case of the US, the Founders’ fancy thoughts may have been sincere, but pure motives have never controlled much of human behavior since we left the Garden of Eden. You cannot design something which someone else cannot break. Our system was broken before it started, so the hijacking came before it actually left port.

But the conspiracy wasn’t that solid. The hijacking was almost a matter of blundering into success. It’s not as if the members didn’t actually plan to seize power, but their plans were fuzzy, more about ideals than actual plans. There were competing ideals, but the most dangerous ones were seldom spoken. The unspoken assumptions were the results of this new national birth should produce something which insured folks like them were in control. It was the one thing on which the majority could agree, so that’s where the conspiracy went. The vast majority of ruling conspiracies which actually gain power to rule do not arise from a clear and precise plan, but are the net result of seizing sufficient opportunities, with only some limited assertive action to make things happen.

Every theory of conspiracy, to have a foot planted in reality, must take into account basic facts of human nature. Theorize all you want about Satan or satanic intelligence, but getting any two humans to remain in lock-step for very long simply doesn’t happen. People don’t have the ability, even if they intend it. A theory which assumes any conspiring group with a single-minded purpose is a broken theory. Have you not noticed God Almighty can’t get it from His own best servants? How can Satan do any better? Any storyline which includes some version of the Borg is fiction.

A pragmatic extension of this takes into account a lack of uniformity in method, as well. The global elite are humans, and there is no power acting on this earth which will make them act in concert more than once in a great while. That they conspire to take over the world is quite obvious, but to assume they themselves can bring about the most effective nefarious plans with any degree of certainty is a delusion. They will most certainly accomplish things, but this reality makes it highly unlikely setting dates will work.

That I was suckered into believing folks who did set dates only means I wasn’t really paying attention at the time. Once I actually pulled back and considered it, I realized it could not have worked. Any particular event coming according to planned timing is an accident, and I should have remembered that.

We can predict broad trends.

We know the American economy will die, and probably rather soon. It is not simply ill, but terminal. God only knows how long it will take, because any number of little things could shatter the most intelligent human planning. The mere existence of humans congregating in any place will create an economy. Things will be exchanged because no two of us can or will do what it takes to provide all human need and desire. The act of exchanging anything of tangible value is economics. That we tend to find common means of exchange is natural. Politically corralling humans and mandating a means of exchange simply makes it more convenient to spread out that activity to a larger economic base, because the business of cooperation becomes centrally controlled. If that means of exchange is shifted to something with imputed value, versus intrinsic value, it creates a huge point of failure. Sooner or later, someone in power is going to pervert the value of that instrument of exchange. In reality, the process of perversion is the net result of many individual attempts to profit from that control. What you and I see today is not some grand and precise schedule of failure, but the accumulated result of mercenary choices going back to the founding of the nation, which was itself a series of mercenary choices.

The collective linkages of mercenary choices have doomed the current system. Some parts of it will survive, since they reflect the nature of human action itself. How it affects you depends on how you act. If you do not account for actual human nature, particularly in the aggregate, you’ll miss. Your theory of this conspiracy, your mental map of reality, must include all the roads, not just those you have used. We can deduce some of what the elite hope to accomplish, in part because they keep telling us, though typically with a great sales pitch about how wonderful it will be. That part is a lie. The best this life can possibly offer is very, very far from what most people are trying today. They keep trying other things because that best existence wasn’t all that wonderful, but of a surety, everything else will be worse.

That it takes awhile to see that is what makes it so hard to keep track of the failure. What we have now is broken, because it assumes things about people which are utterly false, and it won’t matter if almost everyone accepts those same broken assumptions. Just about everyone is in on the conspiracy, but with widely varying degrees of success (as measured in how happy they are with the results). That is partly because everyone has their own version of the conspiracy in mind, and the degree of perceptual overlap, and the degree of shared actions, is what makes it seem less conspiratorial. The portion controlled by the elite is keeping the masses from grasping the actual plans, however chaotic and disjointed, of those with genuine power.

In the long run, all conspiracies fail, which means all governing regimes fail. How they are replaced is as varied as the circumstances in which they exist. We have a governing regime with a particularly nasty bent to hiding the facts, even when there is nothing to hide. It also has a nasty bent of self-delusion about making the world a better place. Motives are never simple, and the delusion includes the idea the members of the governing class can also profit individually without any real harm. The revolution has already begun, at the top. There is yet another conspiracy to replace what rules our lives with something else. But that actually works out to several competing conspiracies, and God alone knows which will win, or what mixture will eventually come out ahead.

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