Stumbling from One Mess to Another

So we know Obama declared a national emergency over the alleged threat from the Swine Flu. If you review all the various laws and declarations which are linked to this, you could justly say we are one phone call from national martial law. You might reasonably expect any emergency decisions and actions would have to be linked to the perceived danger from the H1N1 virus, and it seems the official mouthpieces are saying just that. Tell that to the hundreds of people against whom the PATRIOT Act was employed, whose cases had nothing at all to do with terrorism. In other words, given the track record of federal officials, if the doorway is there, however improbable the linkage, somebody will try to use it. That there are literally hundreds of officials in Washington DC eager to institute full blown federal martial law and the attendant crack down on the US population is too easy to prove.

That there are plenty of cooler heads who are unwilling to go out and take a bullet for this zeal is the reason it hasn’t been tried. All it takes is something so horrific the enforcers will think it worth the risk, or the likelihood of taking a bullet is reduced considerably. Efforts are under way on both fronts. But we aren’t there, yet. And we may not get there. Just because some really powerful and influential folks really want it, that’s no reason to assume they’ll succeed. There are too many factors and folks in play. There are overlapping, competing, contradictory and altogether different agendas all at work. True zealots seldom get everything they want. If nothing else, the sheer incompetence of those they command would make almost everything like that dubious. For example, that fancy expensive anti-terrorist exercise in California this past few days, when heavily armed SWAT groups and such reacted to faux terrorists. The latter were played by folks who were little more than paintballers, for goodness sakes. And the cops lost miserably almost every time. Folks truly talented at that stuff aren’t willing to become LEOs, so government is left with picking a little lower in the barrel.

Don’t get me wrong: We are in for some very rough times. I seriously doubt the dollar will hold up much longer. Of course, the bankers may have another trick or two up their sleeves, but the only question is not whether, but when. Will that end our economic activity altogether? No. Too many folks are already prepared to operate without the dollar. Will the stock market collapse? Sure, but no one knows how far or for how long. Let’s face it, the stock indexes are nothing more than a barometer of investors’ perceptions; it has nothing to do with the actual value of anything. Will there be social chaos? There is already, but it’s not making the news, and it’s not in full flower. It most certainly won’t be everywhere at once, and pretty much never in quite a few parts of the US.

I note the generals who make the most noise in the military are not the ones who get things done. So the request for some half-million here as security on US soil? Won’t happen. The five to ten full divisions requested for Afghanistan? Where are they gonna come from? We don’t have them. Recruiting is good, and other jobs are scarce, but they have to be trained, clothed, equipped (however poorly) and transported. Will we go to war with Iran? Not with enough to do any good. Israel might, but they are so far off the path of reality, nothing they do should surprise us. When we run out of money, so will they. Don’t think for a moment there aren’t real commanders with stars on their bars who aren’t keeping an eye on the mutiny option. That is, we should hardly be surprised if there is some kind of coup de etat against idiotic politicians from a military which says they are tired of being ordered to chase insanity.

The various players on the global stage are not yet united enough to do all that much, either. Say what you want about Rothschilds, Bilderbergers, Freemasons, or whatever. They are very intelligent, very powerful, and evil as can be, but they aren’t all powerful demigods. Their proxies, servants and agents aren’t infallible, and there are still some things money and fear can’t buy. I’m quite sure those folks would like for you to fear them, but they haven’t entirely succeeded in their grand plans so far, and they have been caught trying repeatedly. Still, there are some really bad things coming which will certainly be the work of globalists. They will hurt us, but the means to fully take control just aren’t there.

But things are really going to get bad, and the world collectively will stumble from one mess to another. Some where down the road, the US will cease to be a significant military threat to the rest of the world, and other nations will vie for our spot at the top. They’re doing it already. And we are still slumping down, altogether likely to break up into several regional states, a few independent states, and some other divisions you’d never expect. Our time is past, and we squandered it badly. Most of the world hates us, and justly so.

Just another big mess in the story of human passage on this fallen world.

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