Biggest Dope Dealer in the World: CIA

It’s easy to confuse things talking about the US Government, as if it were one single thing. It’s not. The federal bureaucracy is multiple governments under a single umbrella, and occasionally competing. I have long said one of the greatest threats to the average US resident is the CIA. It’s not as if they spend all their time actively ruining our lives individually, but what they really do spend their time doing is a real threat. The CIA, insofar as we can think of it as a single entity, is responsible for a very large portion of what makes it hard to live here in the US.

In particular, the CIA is the number one supplier of illegal drugs in the US, and maybe the whole world. In times past, that could easily be the number one reason for just about anything the CIA was doing in any place at all, here and abroad. Whatever else was suckering us into Vietnam, the reason the CIA was involved was simply to keep the Southeast Asian drug supply line open. It’s probably the number one reason our POWs were left there. Then, when opium lost it’s popularity in favor of cocaine, the CIA stayed busy south of our borders. You may recall the “Dark Alliance” series by Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury. By whatever means, the CIA killed Webb for daring to expose the truth so very clearly. Nowadays, the number one project for the CIA is supplying heroin again, but this time mostly in Europe, including Russia. Naturally, this is a major reason for our involvement in Afghanistan and the surrounding region.

Did you know our combat assets in Afpack are used to guard poppy fields? Ask a Conservative why they don’t press this issue, and it’s left to Liberals to talk about it. Not that I’m supporting either side in politics, since they are both holding forth illegitimate agendas as measured by the Covenant of Noah.

Commonly abused substances are a serious threat, but we don’t deal with them properly at all. In the West, we simply cannot imagine keeping government out of the picture. There are some folks fully aware of how our drug laws are what keeps this trade by the CIA so profitable. While the CIA and DEA seldom cooperate — the Lockerbie Bombing was the CIA killing DEA agents who had evidence of CIA drug running — they are two halves of the profit equation. That is, making drugs illegal and building a massive federal bureaucracy to enforce those laws is what raises the street price of things like cocaine and heroin. It takes extraordinary efforts to get past all the enforcement. The CIA doesn’t control the entire supply line, but takes advantage of their free pass across the border with anything they want to ship. However much they bring to the market, while seldom threatened until delivered to lower level dealers, is very high profit.

Making the whole thing so clandestine, so criminal and socially unapproved is what makes it so dangerous. Under Noah, if you knew your neighbor (typically a cousin or such) was buying and using crack, you’d keep an eye on him. You might have a hard time justifying direct intervention in the use itself, but you’d be there to make sure that nasty habit doesn’t hurt anyone else. That’s how it should work. You can’t prevent sinners from sinning, but it’s your duty to prevent their sin from splashing all over you and anyone for whom you are responsible. Some sins are inherently dangerous to all, but not this one. If a man is determined to destroy himself, it’s his choice before God. He isn’t your property. So we focus on the results of his dissolute choices, and God holds us accountable for things like cleaning up his messes. That’s the way it is. By having some bogus cultural expectation we can intrude more directly, we have the false justification for making a crime of what is really nothing more than self-abuse, because we reject God’s call to deal with the associated consequences. If his kids starve, God says we feed them. If he beats them, God says we doctor them up and censure him for abuse, but they are not our kids — “thou shalt not covet.” Our cultural malaise is what builds this hideous justification for confiscating all sorts of private property under Satan’s beloved forfeiture laws. It’s all about the money.

So the likes of the CIA grab big wads of illegitimate tax appropriations, then milk whomever they can via drug addictions, and sell arms at outrageous profits for wars they provoke, and who-knows-what-else to justify their existence and perquisites. The DEA scrapes in lots of dough from forfeitures, taking a share of what local police agencies haul in under some of the most egregious abuses. Meanwhile, all that military occupation keeps the contractors busy. And when the CIA wants to keep their hands clean for some obscene reason, there’s always the mercenaries, like Xe (AKA Blackwater), who we now know do a lot of dirty work — assassinating Bhutto, arming the terrorists, producing false-flag bombings to keep warfare alive, etc. And if you find out Xe wants a chunk of land in your neighborhood for their terrorist training camps, God help you if you dare to resist. What they won’t do they can get the CIA or some other federal or private agency to handle. What holds them all together is the money and the federal government umbrella.

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