Committee of One

Calling all defenders of the Second Amendment: You are alone. Not in the sense there aren’t millions who wave their guns and declare their loyalty. But for all the noise, when the day comes armed agents of the state arrive to confiscate, most gunners will surrender their armory. I’ve seen similar things on other levels too often to think otherwise.

If you have joined anything which functions as a militia, prepare to be betrayed — very early in the game. When crisis arrives, people you thought you really knew will become utterly foreign. They aren’t your enemy now, but they simply don’t know themselves. Most people wear a good mask, and can afford to keep it there because nothing happens to really challenge it. But when the troops come marching in, and a few folks get beaten or shot, things change. Suddenly Brave Heart was just a movie.

The oppressors are counting on this, of course. It’s part of emergency enforcement training. They know there will probably be a token resistance, then most of that will evaporate. It’s not as if they won’t have casualties, but precious few men and women will continue to resist long. Part of the failure of self honesty is the failure to really know what you have to have, and have to do, to keep going.

Consider: How have folks responded recently? Katrina saw mercenaries having little trouble disarming the survivors. As far as we know, no one raised effective resistance to the illegal gun confiscation. Recently, folks in King, NC went along with a gun ban which had no good purpose. Check the history. Every time the locals just go along with it. If they were serious about their rights, there would already be a large number of officials and policemen dead.

The mere fact oppressive thugs in government pay are still alive and in office, or still wearing that badge, is all the proof we need there will be no effective armed resistance.

In the end, if you remain armed and opposed to tyranny, you will pretty much have only yourself. That is, until men have proven to themselves just where their priorities lie. Get past that first flush of danger, then form your units. Chances are, you won’t find many on your side. That means whatever plans you have now will probably be forgotten very quickly. Furthermore, you’ll be under immense pressure to surrender, with an incredible array of lies and enticements offered to coax you. Don’t forget all your family and friends will be used against you.

I’m not trying to tell anyone to submit, nor recommending resistance. I’m just wanting to chop away the false imagery attached to this Underground Patriot or Liberty Movement, or whatever you prefer to call it. Whether you resist or submit, things are going to be very, very ugly all too soon. Don’t lock in any plans, but prepare your heart by making sure you know just what it is you can and cannot tolerate. Commit yourself to something which really matters, because your own hide isn’t really worth much even now. That’s already been established, like it or not. But if something truly bigger than yourself grips you now, perhaps you’ll find the resolve to act in that day.

Chances are, you’ll be alone most of the way.

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One Response to Committee of One

  1. greg says:

    Have t say that I agree with you in principal. Some who are up there in age might figure that the alternative would be worse than dieing, will go down in a blaze of glory, alone.

    But your neighbor with the young children will not resist. It has been bred out of the American by social pressure.

    Indeed as I watch the collapse from my perch, I ponder my decision almost every day.

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