Iran: Exposing the Lies

Examine, if you have time, our national history regarding the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT). You’ll see we pushed hard for it, and most of its provisions derive from our government’s concerns about other nations doing to us what we did to Japan. Now consider this: Iran has complied with every part of it. All the reports you hear in the mainstream are lies, and they get away with it because few people know what the NNPT requires. They don’t know what’s involved in raising uranium ore to the level of purity required for nuclear weapons — some 98% purity. They don’t know just how incredibly hard it is to get that. They don’t know it’s technically light years from getting it up to 20% for medical use, or fuel use (5% or less).

Check the details yourself, if you dare, and you’ll see Iran is in compliance with it. The US is not. We are required to help Iran as long as she obeys the rules. She does; we do not. Don’t even get me started about Israel, who not only refuses to sign that treaty, but refuses to officially admit having nuclear weapons. Neither the US nor Israel has any moral standing to complain about Iran’s nuclear work so far, never mind the utter lack of treaty-based legal reason.

So we have this nation of people our government and Israel propose to attack, and do we really know anything about them? How about just so much as a tourist’s viewpoint? One of the few TV shows I ever actually tried to watch was Rick Steves’ travel program. He visited Iran. You really should see his frank and honest review, simply because it’s more balanced than you’ll get anywhere else in the mainstream media. If we go to war against them, our nation can hardly hope for God’s forgiveness.

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One Response to Iran: Exposing the Lies

  1. greg says:

    Gosh Ed I haven’t met anyone who ever heard of Rick Steves’, nevermind watching that particular program. You are correct about what the average person here thinks the Iranians are like.

    Most can speak 2 or more languages, and they are not Arabs. Muslims yes, but the radical ones are prolly only 10% of the population. Also I wonder what the 100-200k Jews that live there (in peace BTW)think about the Zionists talking of bombing their homes to rubble.

    This propaganda that the MSM are feeding the sheep is routed in the fact that Iran has NO CENTRAL BANK, and to a smaller degree the oil. I say smaller degree because their oil is low grade and is way more expensive to process.

    We are required to help Iran as long as she obeys the rules. She does; we do not.

    Let’s face it, the locals only believe what the MSM tells them. Almost can’t wait for the point when there is no more food at the supermarket. That’s where they grow chickens, isn’t it?

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