Cataloging Evil Is Evil

I get lots of links sent to me about this or that horrific evil plot. I don’t doubt most of them carry at least a kernel of truth. An awful lot of folks out there would love to rule their world, and aren’t too concerned with what it takes to get there, as long as the costs are borne by others. In a certain sense, that’s how most of the human race operates.

There remains a tiny core of elites capable of carrying out such wishes, but even they suffer from limits. After all, evil people are defined as those with weaknesses in which they indulge. Evil isn’t power; it’s failure. That failure may rope in a lot of innocent victims, but that’s one of the mysteries we aren’t permitted to understand.

Still, if we waste a lot of time trying to understand how it is these people intend to harm all their victims, we would never have time to focus on the mission of escaping that evil. We escape evil by embracing the call of mysticism. Don’t be fooled into thinking mysticism is some peculiar intelligence; it’s not. It’s commitment to what cannot be put into words, to what cannot be understood by simple intellect. If you can understand it, it’s not mysticism. Mysticism is that wordless drawing up from this world.

While I do attempt to indicate something about it, talking of such things as my three pillars — transparency, empathy and disentanglement — a mystic would recognize them as simply facets of the truth itself. You can probably come up with your own words, and be just as useful. If you strive to grok the fullness of what is demanded of you in rising above yourself and rising above this foul plane of existence, you won’t need to catalog what’s here. The moment you think you have a name for it all, someone will come up with a new flavor. Don’t rely on lists.

And don’t try to catalog the evils of the ruling elites of this world. Sure, we can probably discuss the particular weaknesses of this bunch — Zionism, pedophilia and other perversions, war, deceptions — but what about the next bunch to come along? What about the mundane evil on your own street? If you get too wrapped up in the tactics, you find yourself crusading against a moving target. Fix one problem and up pops three more, probably worse and harder to fix. If you simply draw harder to truth, anyone who can be helped will be helped by the sharp discord of your refusal to let evil own you. You can be fully engaged without compromising.

Chasing demons ties you to them. The very art of not being owned by them is the whole message of breaking free, the whole service of God in making Him known. Evil will become obvious by the good which follows you around. Every step you make with a mystical heart is like ripping the fabric which separates this world from the next, and light and love comes pouring out in your wake.

Don’t be surprised or shocked by any evil men do. Sure, sorrow and suffering touches your soul, but you don’t have to let it own you, or it will chain you. Know it and feel it with the victims, but keep your orientation beyond it all. You can’t beat evil by paying homage to it.

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