Genesis Living

I’m gonna start a club, a movement. I’ll call it “Genesis Living.” That way we can put a stop to this Paleo-Lifestyle nonsense.

The Bible says the hunter-gatherer was not the original human lifestyle. That was the folks who were kicked out of the original lifestyle, which included sheep herding and growing grain. Remember Cain and Abel? The original second generation of humanity. The guys who got into trouble by sinning was the bunch who separated, driven away from the family home. So we had guys living in tents and raising cows, and another bunch who developed technology, and lived in cities.

The original families back near Eden lived in huts, raised herd animals and farmed. You won’t find evidence of them in archaeological digs because they didn’t bother with artifacts which could be preserved. So if you live to leave no lasting trace, peacefully in rather sedentary communities with a tribal social structure, maybe you can find what mankind was designed for — at least, if you go by the method of reasoning the Paleos use.

Or, you can just embrace God and do your best to remain loyal to Him according to His known laws, abstracted for your situation. He promised health and long life, reasonable prosperity, safety and security if you obey His Laws.

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