Imperial Base America

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s already been a coup in the U.S. Our government was taken over long ago by folks who have little concern for us and our wishes. We are not ruled by the Constitution, not a nation ruled by laws, but a tiny elite who seldom show their faces as the real power here. Everything you think you see regarding politics is a fraud.

Now, while I have said often here I regard all modern states as illegitimate, this particularly applies to the government of the U.S. No, I have no plans to take any particular action to fight anyone, not even in the simple pacifist activist sense. It’s all a waste of time. If you really feel a burning need to prepare for future disasters, then create a bug-out bag. There’s a lot of survivalist literature on the Net about it. Then start training yourself to flee in various different ways should things become impossible where you live. If you are in or near any urban center, chances are good you will need to execute such a plan in the next five years. If you are out in the rural area, plan to stay put. Otherwise, I’m not promoting any form of resistance, per se.

Rather, I am encouraging awareness. It comes to my attention we are nationally ripe for a continuing slide into the grip of this elite group. They’ll use any means of mass manipulation to steer the bulk of the population into directions they consider useful. Right now, there is a huge effort aimed at military expansion, planting permanent bases all over the world. This is our contribution for the plans to rule the world later. Our infrastructure in far flung places will become the basis for exerting their wishes over the populations which are not so easily ruled as the U.S.

Naturally, these elite expect to use our troops, but I’m sure they’ll add more from other places at some point. Our military is simply the current avenue of approach to the target. Our industrial development for military purposes is one of the last few fields of actual production we have here. They’ll need to break us completely so they can gain our cooperation in the next couple of years. Right now, the emphasis is military recruiting, of course. When enough folks starve, and troops get to eat, don’t you think a draft is almost a waste of effort?

Then there are the massive FEMA camps which I expect to become slave labor centers. This is where they’ll round up and gather the more difficult sort, because most of the population unfit for military service will gladly take up slave work just to survive. Control need not be total, just sufficient. When a critical mass of people are enslaved, the rest will simply be the cost of doing whatever business they are planning. Obamacare will ensure the cost of herd maintenance doesn’t get out of hand.

The risk of economic collapse is itself a red herring. Total banking failure won’t happen, but total banking reduced into fewer hands will. Bankrupting state and local governments will reduce resistance coming over various Ten Amendment challenges to the Federal behemoth. The whole idea is to dissolve anything capable of interfering with the further conglomeration and centralizing of control. The federal bureaucracy will grow as DC continues to find ways to pretend they have the funds. As long as people keep taking paychecks denominated in US dollars, and contractors don’t argue with it, the Feds will maintain their power. The federal enforcement ranks will swell dramatically. Lots of folks who don’t make the cut for the law enforcement or military will join the burgeoning Civil Service, or whatever they call it next month.

I’m guessing the final “legal” act of enslavement will be aimed at settling the improbable federal debt. Private property will be confiscated in terms of legal ownership, as will all future labor output, etc. We will all become titular federal property. Legitimate or not, the majority are likely to go along with it.

Thus, we become the base from which this elite globalist government grows and borgs everyone else. If Russia resists, it’s not too hard to provoke Islamic terrorism funded by our CIA and their friends. Nor is it too hard to find a good solid supply of illegal drugs to rot the social fabric faster than the old communist spy network (which still exists to a large degree). Naturally, we are ensuring a very strong supply by keeping the Taliban from shutting down the poppy fields in Afghanistan. A primary function of our troops there is protecting the heroin supply for use against Russia.

China will be a little more tricky. Still, I’m sure there are some plans to handle them, as well. Every large state suffers numerous unresolvable dependencies. Most small ones, too.

Welcome to the New World Order, slave.

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