Government and Threats

I’m a pacifist by God’s grace. Chances are you won’t have a clue what that really means unless you understand Christianity from some intellectual ground other than Western Aristotelian logic. Either way, the label “pacifist” is essentially accurate.

Regular readers already know this, that I have no sympathy for the Tea Party folks. I also have no sympathy for the Fascist government now running the US, decked out with Marxists and any number of other nuts. But the Tea Party has already been hijacked, and the true Patriots — such as they are — are not getting it back. If it’s organized, it will be infiltrated, hijacked and defanged.

However, I wanted to note the chorus of voices, led most recently by the doddering old Bill Clinton, warning protesters against government should not threaten violence. Let’s get one thing straight: The government officials started it. As long as there are Ruby Ridges, Wacos, Elian Gonzales raids, Katrina disarming raids, and so forth, it is the US government officials who are threatening violence. They are the ones holding most of the guns. So when they tell you threats cross the line, ask them about the thousands of armed federal officers.

It has nothing to do with “protecting them while in performance of their duties” and everything to do with forcing you to obey whatever filthy sins they demand.

On the other hand, let’s make sure you Patriot types stop playing silly games. If you were serious, you would have killed a bunch of government thugs a long time ago. Do I have to list for you the prime candidates for assassination if you really plan to restore the Constitution? Stop lying to us and pretending you have any intention of standing up to the criminals in Washington DC who run the government. It won’t happen and we all know it. By the time you are forced to defend your home from invasion by government forces, it will be too late. Indeed, it’s long past too late. Give it up.

This country is under God’s wrath and there is no turning back. The time to have done something was before I was born, by at least a century. Our nation was born in sin, and there was never anything to save. The few real Christian believers involved were deluded, and provided a neat cover for the rest. Soon it will all come apart. While it’s possible the nation will actually disintegrate into manageable chunks, it’s more likely we will simply be swallowed by something much bigger. That is, once we have all been crushed under grinding poverty.

And it will happen with guns pointed at us every step of the way. They are not a part of us, nor we of them. The ruling class is a foreign occupation force. The only terrorist organization in the world is the US government; all the rest work for them. Your only hope is to realize this world and it’s political idiocies mean nothing, that life here is meant to miserable because we have all sinned and deserve even worse. Turn from this wicked generation and invest yourself in the Kingdom to Come.

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