Fascist Modern Medicine

Let’s understand first what “fascism” means.

Fascism … is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology. Fascists seek to organize a nation on corporatist perspectives, values, and systems such as the political system and the economy. (from Wikipedia)

Looking it up in the dictionary may not help you, because academic definitions don’t do well in helping most people unlearn false meanings. Fascist is not precisely Nazi. Frankly, running up to WW2, the Italians were more precise about it. Reduced to its lowest level, fascism is the state as god, and government is by and for major corporations. Thus, the rich and powerful run the country, which is hardly new, but fascism is a particular flavor of mechanism. Add to this the basic methods of controlling information and maintaining a bogus climate of fear and war-time mobilization, and the package is complete. Is this a great country, or what?

Given the incestuous relationship between every government agency and those entities they regulate, our national government is fascist by definition. Lobbyists influence the process of legislation, the executive regulators are all beholden directly to those they regulate, and much of the courts system is loaded with lawyers of the same corporations. For example, Clarence Thomas, so revered by the right, is a creature of Monsanto. He fiercely defends their “right” to take over the entire food production system, and sees nothing wrong with Monsanto poisoning the farms and entire human population of the world. Background research will reveal each of the other Justices have similar allegiances.

The entire US medical system is similarly perverted and fascist. Medical people can be really fine humans, but the system owns them, and that system is fascist. Doctors are not even allowed to think for themselves on a vast range of issues. Thus, anyone with a single shred of independence is quickly labeled a “quack” to ensure no one listens to them, despite the pretense of scientific method. For the time being, the Internet remains one of the few places where just about anyone can publish just about anything, and the old means of press censorship is breaking the monopoly of government-controlled media.

Consider Dr. Joseph Mercola. I have yet to detect in his work the sort of arrogance which marks someone who cannot be trusted. As one who does not frequent his site, I seem to recall at least once he has issued a mea culpa and asked his readers to forgive the error, and sought to offer advice to counter his mistake. Yes, his site is loaded with advertising, but at least he is selective enough to sell what he actually supports directly in his articles. Most of the time I visit his site using either Lynx or Elinks plain text browsers. Still, the information is presented for your consideration and his stuff is linked from all over the Net.

Today I ran across his discussion of vaccine contamination. You’ll note his article states only what can be supported by the facts: Big Pharma is careless with your health. He allows you to draw the inference getting the FDA to act on real evidence is like pulling teeth. He suggests you research what folks do to you, and offers links to get you started.

But I’m not required to be so circumspect. Having done some of that research, I have concluded Big Pharma is a bigger threat to your health and life than almost any disease from nature. No, not every medical remedy is inherently dangerous, but medical care in the US is loaded with layers of downright lies which doctors tell with a straight face, if for no other reason than they are too deeply deceived to know any better. Big Pharma in practice owns the full medical establishment, which includes the entire process by which doctors are educated and trained. Elementary kids in public and private schools alike are seldom offered anything at variance with the dogma demanded by Big Pharma (along with the various dogmas of other interested parties). So it’s no surprise med-schools are owned, as it were, by Big Pharma. Doctors are almost bound by law to accept whatever Big Pharma says is truth, if nothing else, by the AMA.

But this happens throughout the system. What about the services you need once the medical system is through with you? Right here in Oklahoma, it is illegal to sell a coffin unless you are a registered and licensed undertaker, in good standing with the state bureau. That bureau is run by a handful of elitist morticians who do not want their obscene profits infringed. If you don’t charge at least ten times the actual bare retail value of a cloth-lined box for human remains, you aren’t allowed to do business in Oklahoma. Yes, most Oklahoma funeral business folks are crooks. They depend on the very fundamental fact almost no decision made under stress during a personal crisis is wise. They can be decent to deal with when you actually need their services, but they are gouging you without mercy, operating as a cartel protected by law. This is fascism by definition.

If you trust yourself to the kind intentions of experts, neither your life, liberty nor property are safe.

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