Selected Failures of Western Civilization

Efficiency does not scale. Just because you can detect refinements does not mean they will work. No living human, nor group of them, can effectively account for even a minimum of complex factors when attempting to apply efficiency measures above the scale of their immediate personal ownership.

The poor and lowly, regardless of individual or class morality, are represented by nobody. It won’t matter a whit your level of involvement, of first-hand experience with their sorrows, you can’t be one of them unless you forever dismiss your option to eventually go back to the other world. When you cut yourself off that way, you have no power to help them politically. As long as you can do something, you can’t possibly do the right thing, though it’s all too easy to manipulate them into voting for you.

The Myth of Tomorrow in Western Civilization is so fundamental, it will not die until the civilization itself does. This is the myth by which almost the entire Merchant Culture (the soul of Western Civilization, AKA Babylon) lives, banking on future events. It is the very essence of material progress in a world which denies God’s direct intervention. It assumes control on a level which is unrealistic, but because so very many people at one time and in one place accept the myth, it works for a time. It is possible to have economic growth without credit. Such growth will be slow, but it will be fully supported by reality — that is, it won’t come without God’s support in the first place. Credit systems are inherently sinful, because they seek to bypass the hand of God. Disregard His interests at your own peril.

Complain all you want, but fallen man cannot possibly live in a multi-cultural environment without becoming utterly mercenary. If he is not loyal to his own people, he will be loyal to some lesser thing; if not the gods of his people, some far lesser deity of demons. To raise man above such filth is possible in only one setting, and that is the tribal social structure of a segregated society, even if only on a small scale. Nothing about it requires genuine hatred, only the ineffable love of one’s own kind. This is so deeply burned into us by the Fall, no power on earth can overcome it.

The Myth of Modern Israel is rooted in the single greatest failure of Western Christianity — the utter inability to operate on a spiritual level. That is, the very nature of Western Christian faith is anchored in this fallen realm, and cannot see everything God is doing is anchored in the spirit realm. Thus, we realize organized religion cannot see how the Cross ended the Covenant of Moses. Israel had so utterly rejected God, He gave them their demand, and the only legitimate meaning to the word “Israel” now is other-worldly. There was at one time both a literal Israel and a Spiritual Israel, but no more. There is only a Spiritual Israel. God does not deal with nations redemptively, only His own Kingdom of the Spirit.

This is no Replacement Theology, since that posits a worldly anchor, too. No church on this earth is organized by God. Rather, God calls His spiritual nation His church, His congregation of mixed multitudes who cannot be a nation except in the Spirit. To the degree we organize at all in this fallen realm, it remains a purely human organization, subject to all the foibles of human politics and fallen nature. There is no expectation from God such organization will accomplish anything, no measure of success; it is simply a tool by which revelation is accomplished.

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