Bogus CDC Survey Calling Cellphones (Updated)

This is my cellphone. I pay more than I want for the air-time, and I don’t appreciate long and senseless calls. Most people who call me know that. One caller keeps violating that, and is hostile to my wishes. They love the idea of eating up my minutes, and refuse to stop calling me. However, there is virtually no law I can invoke to stop them. Nobody in any enforcement business gives a rat’s patootie.

It’s the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at University of Chicago.

Let’s get one thing out of the way, first: U of C is worse than a communist institution. Most colleges are hotbeds of communism in one form or another, but U of C is fascist. It is the birthplace and home of Neo-conservativism. Yep, this is the taproot of American fascism in support of Israel, now so obviously a fascist country itself. Arising directly from this evil heart is a host of evil manifestations I don’t have room to list here. The very use of American English language is perverted by these folks to make sure liberty dies ASAP. It’s a long story, but I’m not exaggerating.

So it’s no surprise they would willingly waste your cellphone air-time for something which is, as far as I can determine, utterly bogus. They are currently conducting a most intrusive survey they claim is on behalf of the CDC. I’ve contacted the latter, but I doubt I’ll get a straight answer from them, either. Another story for another time. The point is, NORC is very pestiferous about this survey. They keep calling and I give them the same answer every time, indicating I refuse to participate. I’ve written their chief of survey, and I still believe they are going to fight me.

From what I’ve seen reported, they ask questions which are frankly too invasive. Right now, it’s about the flu vaccine. They want a detailed medical history, and permission to contact your physicians and get even more detailed history from them. Well, mine is at the VA Medical Center. If they have the legal mandate to conduct this survey, they can get the information from the VA. They already know your name, address, etc., so it’s not as if they don’t already know too much. I’m not talking to them.

I’ve warned them if it’s war they want, war they will get. It will probably require something very creative, so I’m contemplating what punishment might fit their crime.

Update 1: The response to my email message to NORC indicates I may have gained relief. It will take a couple of weeks before I feel safe, since their calls were roughly a week apart. If you are also being harassed, I’ll be glad to share privately the contact I used.

For future reference, in case anyone just has to know: I regard all flu vaccines as toxins. While not everyone in the chain of delivery is individually, personally evil, I feel certain those at the far end of the supply chain have full access to the all the information necessary to realize if they continue pushing this crap on us, they are committing mass murder. Should it come down to the point this stuff becomes mandatory in any way, shape or form, violent resistance is fully justified.

Update 2: The CDC wrote back and said this was a genuine survey, but aimed at folks who had children. They didn’t address why the contractor refuses to take you off their list unless you growl directly at the folks who run the operation. Why can’t the callers take “no” for an answer? So while the existence of the survey itself is genuine, the conduct of the operation is bogus. NORC is still a pile of fascist jerks.

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