Don’t Trust Any Human with More Power than You – Update

This refers to a previous post: Don’t Trust Any Human with More Power than You.

As with most stories, the dominant media is lying. It’s just that simple. I may not know exactly what they are hiding, but that they are hiding something is all to obvious. If you want to get a better grip on the story, I recommend The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks over at Salon. On this issue, I trust Glen Greenwald to give us a more accurate review than anyone else. It’s better than the coverage at Cryptome because it’s more complete.

Lamo and Poulson, along with others, are hiding things. Greenwald has more to gain by not hiding things, since he has pretty much established himself on such issues long ago. He might be wrong, but he at least admits that. For now, his story has the best ring of truth.

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