Warning: Before It’s Too Late

Given the climate of things in US government, as well as that in a few other places, my ability to connect regularly to the Internet and keep this blog alive could simply stop some day without warning. At the same time, other things could happen in my life to stop my posting here, also without warning. Then again, on a different level, I’m not sure we have much room left for discussing these things. We may all soon be very busying doing, as in doing everything we can to survive.

No, it’s not hyperbole. I’m not predicting anything in particular because I’m not privy to any special plans you can’t discern for yourself. But we all have this tendency to think things are going to roll along pretty much the same, simply as a subconscious assumption. What I will say is this is the time to examine all your assumptions about life, because a great many of them may be lies told by someone else. Question your own sanity while you’re at it, but the point is you would benefit greatly by pulling more of that stuff out in the open. Conscious consideration of those things we’ve always taken for granted might save you a lot of time when you compare it with what now approaches.

If I had to guess, I’d say 6 to 12 months will see our world turned upside down. I hardly know precisely what will change, but there are some general trends. I’ll list a few on my mind right now.

Don’t assume any goodness or sanity in the US government, nor even your own state government. People in the ruling circles and those who rub shoulders with them tend to quickly isolate themselves from our daily reality. Put bluntly, they might as well be your worst enemies. Increasingly, they are less interested in simply fooling us and more interested in bluntly forcing compliance with their plans. Those plans bear no relation to our best interests.

For example, a great many tax deductions and cuts which have been in place for a long time are set to expire this year. It will feel to most of us like a huge tax increase. At the same time, a lot of state and local governments are broke, or dangerously close to it. Most of them don’t have the sense to discuss cutting programs. Indeed, if anything, most of them will be increased, particularly military budgeting. It may not have anything to do with the cause or conspiracy, but a very real result of 9/11 was killing a bunch of people and destroying records for an audit at the Pentagon of trillions of dollars gone, for which no one could account. The recent bailout did nothing to help anything except folks who already had all the wealth of the US in the first place.

The military draft has been introduced again, and conditions favor it passing for the first time in many years. There is talk of a civilian draft of sorts. And with the virtual certainty we will start a war with Iran in the next few weeks or months, warm bodies with boots on the ground there will be a necessity, without taking them from our other illegitimate warfare (colonizing efforts) around the world. It won’t matter whether those wars actually protect us from anything; there won’t be anything here worth protecting. Meanwhile, regular jobs will continue fading into the air. Obamacare will make all jobs much more expensive for those who still work.

Prices for just about everything will go up. We just had a ginned-up IMF audit of sorts on the US as a cover for excusing genuine tax increases. Life will get very expensive in every way. That evil Carbon Cap-n-Trade is going to come one way or another. While the current trend is to offer some thin cover of justification, the first time a real protest or genuine stiff resistance comes against these things, the blood will run in the streets. Some of that military-civilian draft will be for troops on our own soil who will guarantee bloodshed.

Yes, things could change, but it would only be a change to a different set of threats. Either way, things will get a lot tougher very soon. This is not meant to scare, but simply awaken. I’m still a pacifist with no intention of preparing for armed resistance. I may be moved to shoot some marauding thieves and such, but that’s another matter. I can afford to sacrifice my own safety and life, but I can’t neglect the safety of neighbors who might not be so ready for death. Still, I am in general rather eager to see Jesus, and have no hesitation facing death for the right reason. This world is not worthy of much concern, but as long as He keeps me here alive, I have a mission about which I do care very much. I hope you’ll join me in this commitment.

Meanwhile, keep your eyes and ears open — wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Almost no one really knows what is going on, and those who do will not likely tell the whole story. Most of those telling anything are lying. There is more to gain from stirring false fears than there is to from keeping disaster under cover, but both seem to show up at the same time. Most of what you are led to believe is a really big deal is just misdirection. But that we are headed for tribulation is not in doubt. Most of the important things I could say about tribulation have already been said.

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