This Is What Scares Me in Oklahoma

Either they are completely stupid, or testing some kind of Orwellian mass control scheme.

The other day on our local TV news channels, which I watch only so I know what lies are being promoted by the establishment, there was this all serious, frightening story about kids using a new technique to get high. They called it “i-dosing” or something, and spoke about how these binaural tones could induce euphoria. Then they insisted this was a really big problem in the schools, etc. Oh my! Make sure you keep your kids away from this!

Yeah. Two things for a reality check. First, search “binaural” on the web, and soon enough you’ll find some scholarly descriptions of unusual auditory perceptions based on some unknown characteristic of the human mind. By playing frequencies close to each other in opposite ears, but within a specific range, you can hear pulsations or beats which aren’t actually there. It does not cause euphoria. Second, work in any secondary school for more than a day or two, and you’ll realize kids will hype all sorts of things. Even if they have to fool themselves, it will become all the rage in a closed population bored to death with what passes these days for “education.” Folks, I was certified to teach and did so in schools in Oklahoma and Texas.

So very quickly we have this deeply embarrassing exposé posted on the web about stupid Okies, including, of all places, an AV software company blog! Yes, it is entirely possible the officials here are just that stupid in actually believing this crap. Or, this may have been a very poorly disguised stupid attempt at playing Orwellian games. Either way, “stupid” is the appropriate adjective for this story splashed on the news channels, and for the suckers who believed it and supported the story, and for anyone else who takes seriously those officials. I’m willing to bet neither the officials nor the news folks will issue any kind of retraction. For all I know, they are still pushing this idiocy with all seriousness.

Look, unless you plan to come help us get rid of such a fraudulent waste of oxygen, don’t bother coming here to Oklahoma.

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