Medium Destroys the Message

A friend sent a link for me to read. I clicked. The page loaded, then immediately the whole thing was blocked by a Flash window. I couldn’t read the content nor close the window.

Granted, I had Flashblock in place, so it couldn’t run without my permission. That’s my prerogative.

The war of advertisers against users has gone up just a notch, and the webmaster is rooting for the wrong side. It turns out the article buried under this flash page was written by someone whom I regard as a neocon partisan hack, someone who promotes Zionist Christianity. I checked by loading the link in Lynx. I don’t support that brand of heretical religion, so doubt I was missing much.

That makes two wrongs. First, the message was unacceptable. Zionism is blasphemy. Second, I don’t tolerate when Flash is required to see textual page content. It’s just one more way for advertisers to restrict your freedom to choose. I refuse to visit such sites, and as usual, I sent a message to the webmaster.

Not that it matters. That type of organization is all about money to support their elitist lifestyle, and everything else is secondary. Forcing me to actually pay attention to advertising on the Internet is simply not an option; it’s a violation of the fundamental principle behind the operation of the Net. I don’t bother getting all cranky, threatening and hostile. I simply decide in advance it won’t matter what the message may be, if it comes at that price, it can’t be important. In this case, I proved to my own satisfaction that was literally true.

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