Our Pimp Has a New Bottom Lady

If you are old enough, you might recognize the slang in the title. If the language seems crude, it is at least more accurate than is typically offered us.

For some decades now, the US has been Israel’s bitch. It’s hard to call it in other terms. Israel is the pimp who has used us, milked us, and as our charms age, has sought more exciting flesh. That would be India.

I am usually ambivalent about what Gordon Duff has to say, but I believe he does have something this time. It works out like this: What two countries never have leaks show up on Wikileaks? Israel and India. Cui bono? The longer this runs, the more right Duff looks on this.

So the US, sensing a loss of prestige and position with our pimp, has made ugly noises about Assange. It’s all for show. Everybody with a brain knows it. My initial reaction was thinking the leaks were the CIA mostly, since it looked like the sort of perverse stuff they do, but it’s much bigger. I think Duff’s analysis is more careful, more accurate, and Assange is Israel’s boy. The US government is at least partially angry, but not about the leaks. It’s about India getting all the love from Mossad. We are aging, about to collapse, while India is growing and is the primary workforce for so many US companies, they might as well be there, not here.

So we are being milked for the last penny, and when it’s gone, so is the doting attention from Israel. As long as we keep performing, doing all the wars for Israel, we can stay on the chain. But eventually we’ll be out on the street.

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