It’s not so much the fear mongering, but the mongering of false fears. That is, stirring up excitement over things which don’t exist (like Iran’s nuclear weapons) or which don’t matter (gay marriage). But the politics of fear is the politics of oppression.
So let me offer you something else. Here’s some not-fear.
We’re all going to die. Some day. It’s not a matter of how we go, or what takes us down. None of those matter. What matters is whether you are walking self-honestly right now. It does no good to talk about truth as if it were some objective reality, since no two of us are likely to agree on it. So let’s talk about something we can do, and which actually requires no two of us be alike. Be self-honest.
That is, at all times assert the very real necessity of what your real identity requires of you. No, I can’t get any more clear than that because words can’t bear up under the load. If you are going to find anything worth living and dying for, it must be inside yourself.
Emotions aren’t it, nor is it intellect. It’s beyond that.
For example, did you know virtually every act of so-called Islamic terrorism was the result of work by the CIA, Mossad, MI6, or allied agencies? Most of it was paid for by secret budgets with your tax dollars. What you may not have known was we even provided the neocon theorists who created the current violent trends in Islam such as they exist.
For the past six decades, the Anglo-American elite (with Washington assuming the senior partner role after World War II) has assiduously promoted the most violent strains of revolutionary Islam, often — but not exclusively — as a strategic weapon in the context of the Cold War.
The Muslim Brotherhood — which grew out of the late-19th Century agitation of Persian-born professional revolutionary Jamal Eddine al-Afghani — has long been one of the Anglo-American elite’s most important strategic assets, as well as the talent pool that was used to staff the deadliest terrorist network in the Muslim world.
While he was superficially the most devout and pious of Muslim believers, Al-Afghani, writes Robert Dreyfuss in his valuable book The Devil’s Game, “a heterodox thinker who was a Freemason, a mystic, a political operative, and above all … someone who believed in the ‘social utility of religion.'”
That belief in “the social utility of religion” is a bedrock principle of the necon agenda. No, they didn’t create that notion, but have used it in ways no one else ever did, and the politics of radical Islam bears that precise trademark.
Facts, and they reflect something of truth. Given this, what does your inner bedrock of conviction require? Can we stop yakking about the Muslim invading the West already?
Or how about the lies regarding that spewing well in the Gulf? I don’t know where to begin, but maybe you can recognize the altogether unprecedented massive fish kills all up the Atlantic Coast? Do you suppose the hidden oil drifting along well below the surface of the sea has already hit the Gulf Stream current? The folks who know aren’t telling, because it might cost them a buck or two. Gotta protect that bottom line, ya know.
I’m not one for boycotts because they seldom have the intended effect. I’m not into feel-good moralistic nonsense. I reckon the least we can do is toss the whole barrel of public information on the oil disaster in the trash. Whether the alternative news sources are telling the truth or missing by a mile is not the point. The lies are massive, so withhold judgment. Meanwhile, how about we start thinking of how we are going to prepare for some future horrors arising from this unspeakable destruction of our natural environment? Don’t panic, just know it’s coming.
Now, we managed to pass August 10 without anyone bombing Iran, so that date was a bad guess. I thought it was too close, myself. I believe Half Past Human says it’s going to be in early November. That strikes me as more plausible. But whenever it may be, the likelihood Israel is going to back off is less than zero. The likelihood they will succeed without a huge loss is also pretty small. I can’t say what the politics here will be like then, because I keep thinking the economy will officially collapse any day now. If it does, I can only guess it means we can’t fund any more warfare. If we lift a finger to cover Israel while attacking Iran, it could easily become WW3 really fast.
At any rate, things are going downhill all over, and in very many, very big ways. Don’t panic. Keep your eye on the facts, never ever trust anyone who supports or works for the government, and plan on facing rough times. If you die, you die. It’s what follows that matters.