Eden and the Conspiracy Theory Sampler

Everyone wants to go back to Eden. But there is this problem with that flaming sword.

Okay, so we realize what really matters in the Eden narratives is not the facts themselves, but the symbolism, and what it tell us about our situation today. Eternal truths cannot be communicated in words, so God uses symbols. We did have a much better situation at one time, the one for which we were designed, but something in us just can’t quite play along with the requirements. So we find all humanity in this broken state, and it’s not fun. Surely we can do better?

Yep, but the narrative more or less ends with that flaming sword guarding the entrance. It doesn’t actually deny you entrance, just reasserts the original requirements. I cover that on my other blog, and focus here on how everyone is trying so very hard to get back to Eden some other way. In modern parlance we discuss Utopia (“No Place”), aptly named since there won’t ever be such a place until we get past that flaming sword.

But even a great big slice of Christianity wants to ignore that sword, and this business of we are fallen, and we can’t fix it ourselves. So every effort to produce some sort of earthly Nirvana is doomed to failure. Instead of recognizing that, everyone keeps looking for a way to slip past that sword. Some will simply break all the rules and force people to do what they believe will bring Utopia. Others know better, but still insist Eden is our birthright, so they concoct a lot of explanations for why we aren’t getting there. We call them “conspiracy theories.”

Just a reminder: Every government is a conspiracy — a conspiracy to rule. That is, unless it arises directly from God’s Laws, and we don’t have any of that kind right now. So all we have are genuine conspiracies, and a lot of them include creating misinformation so that we have conspiracy theories. People running around putting out the lies, and others collecting them and trying to make sense of them. Meanwhile, nobody is paying attention to the real government behind the apparent government, so most theories are wrong. That doesn’t make theorizing a mistake, but it does require you not be so gullible.

For example, you have guys like Greg Szymanski and his “Arctic Beacon” site. I’m not linking to it; look it up. Greg is a theorist, but a liar, too. He may not really know what’s going on, but he promotes some ideas he knows are false. I’m willing to bet he’s a government shill, but that’s another matter. Mostly he promotes some crazy stuff about the Catholic Church, Jesuits, etc. He’s not too far distant from the stuff spouted by Lyndon LaRouche.

First, let’s get one thing out of the way: The Pope is not Antichrist, per se. That is, the position itself is not inherently evil. The whole church arose as the natural by-product of political development and the compromise of the early churches with civil power. Popes are neither particularly holy nor especially evil, but men who rose through the process to take the role. Natural human variation within the system brings good and bad, and mostly just people being people. And while I’ve never met a Jesuit priest I liked, I find a lot of Catholics aren’t that fond of them, either. Their whole mission is wrong-headed, but not diabolical. So like any other truly large organization, the Catholic Church has bad apples, some truly rotten to the core, but the organization is just one more human organization.

Every organization is subject to infiltration, and the Illuminati have their people everywhere, including just about every Protestant church, as well. That’s because there are so very many people who are fooled about what is and isn’t dangerous. So if the Illuminati use the Catholic Church, the Catholics are hardly alone in that. If you want to avoid infiltration, don’t organize — at least, not the way most everyone in the West does it.

Szymanski loves to pick on the Catholics, particularly Jesuits, as do a large number of other theorists. It’s an attempt to get you focused on the wrong thing. It is plausible, of course, since you can find some nefarious deeds in the hands of the hierarchy. But Szymanski seems tied to a pretty nefarious religious organization himself: Cloverdale Bibleway. Again, look it up for yourself. You’ll find a fair description on Wikipedia under “Branhamism”. You’ll notice the patriarch of this particular organization sounds a bit like a Christianized clone of Mohamed — the One True Prophet syndrome. It’s a lot less organized than Islam (yes, that’s supposed to be funny), but it’s still a cult group.

The crazy part is Szymanski does cover some issues quite accurately. That’s how it works: Do a lot of noisy truth-telling, then slip in that one package of lies. Like Alex Jones, who seems to get some things right, but then he defends Israel tooth and nail. It’s possible our CIA, FBI and the rest of the alphabet soup gang aren’t quite that competent, but these guys work just the same as someone paid to confuse things. The simplest answer is the alphabet soup is just another conspiracy, with real Illuminati servants in pivotal positions, and the rest are just dupes. Let them grind along in their usual mix of oppression, make sure they bumble a few things, but when it really counts, use them to keep the real conspiracy on track.

You may remember that wild Neonazi, Hal Turner, who was an FBI shill. Frankly, almost the entire Neonazi movement is run by the FBI, at least indirectly. That’s rather like the CIA and al-Qaeda. Most of the loudest yelling about anything is probably, at best, only half true.

Mosque at Ground Zero? No. It’s a community center across town from it. Iran building nukes? Nuclear power and medicine, yes, but not bombs. Iran has fulfilled obligations under the NNPT; Israel won’t sign it. Obama’s birth certificate? His mom worked for the CIA helping overthrow the government of Indonesia, and Obama himself worked for them, too, visiting Pakistan and other places, and they paid off his student loans. At a college which most certainly serves the Illuminati.

Yes, there are real conspiracies to take over the world, and we might as well call the insiders the Illuminati, since it properly characterizes their net actions. But they may not succeed. That really depends on a higher power. The whole question may not interest you, and that’s fine. Some of us are driven by curiosity for all different kinds of things. I don’t pretend to have everything nailed down, but I am quite curious about this stuff. It always amazes me the different ways people seek return to Eden, when the answer is in plain sight.

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