Breathing Death into Life

Sometimes I run out of words for it. How many ways can America shake her fist in the face of God? I have no problem with just governments, even secular atheist governments, so long as they are just. Ours has lost all pretense, but somehow maintains the Orwellian abuse of words about the old virtues. But now “freedom” means slavery, and “bringing democracy” means imposing sharia law, and “public accountability” means holding the public accountable for believing government lies.

Sure, we have lots of decent people, but none of them are in government. And now our government is doing everything possible to make us less decent. I recall vividly the harsh and dehumanizing conditioning dished out in military training. There were words which once implied a certain noble honor, but in application meant no such thing. They tried in every way possible to make us brutal, inhumane, and willing to turn on anyone who didn’t go along with it.

Bad as that was, it’s getting worse. I was aware of such planning even back when I first encountered military service in late 1970s. Now it’s within reach, a certainty of our future reality.

What happens when you remove remorse? You remove a necessary definition of humanity. Without remorse over our mistakes, we never mature. Without nightmares of things we did, or might easily have done, we are monsters without souls. Only the sorrows we feel for doing harm to others, and a painful recognition of evil for what it is, can keep us from descending below the animals.

And what would be the product of such machine-men in war? Not a single life here would be defended, no improvement of safety. No, it is only to protect the interests of a wealthy elite. The only reason they can lie with such straight faces is they are already damned and soulless themselves. And they demand we join them as willful slaves, as if it’s the only thing for which we are fit.

America is dead; she died long ago. Mourn her if you must, but don’t be a fool thinking she can be raised from the tomb. God help us.

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