Liberally Non-Liberal

I read a lot of lefty news sites. They have a lot less intrusive and stupid advertising than the righties. But I don’t believe the lefties any better than I do the righties.

To restate what I say often: Until every official state completely shifts its fundamental government philosophy over the Ancient Near Eastern feudalism, none of them can claim legitimacy in God’s courts. That means as a servant of the Most High God (AKA Jehovah, Yahweh, etc.) and under His government, I am under no obligation from Him to take any human government seriously. Yes, the only proper government according to God’s Laws is tribal government, arising from a tribal social structure. Not the truculent version of “tribal” most people include in their propaganda, but the live-and-let-live tribal peaceful government where everyone minds their own business. That is the first and most basic requirement for any government hoping for His approval.

Work that out in all the implications and you end up with a guy who feels for the poor and oppressed the way liberals do, but utterly rejects every solution they have proposed. The conservatives are so wrapped up in materialism (like Pharisees) their solutions are even more wrong. Liberals at least have the right idea, but most of those in their leadership are just as corrupt as anyone in leadership of communism, socialism, fascism, nazism, and anything else you can name. As noted previously on this blog, the mere existence of leadership as we know it today is uniformly immoral. When something needs leadership, it’s already wrong, because it always means someone gets run over.

You should never accept leadership from anyone who isn’t linked to you by blood kinship or by covenant. A contract is not a covenant, but a Western parody of a covenant. Contract is between parties which may not even be people, and a covenant is between persons, binding for life and beyond. It binds families because the head of household has the right, and duty, to make such commitments. Without this entirely personal element, nothing in this world is valid. If people are involved, objectivity is a sin. The pretense of objectivity becomes the excuse for every imaginable inhumanity we see before us today, and a lot we haven’t seen because it’s hidden. Thus, I am clearly at odds with everyone who claims any brand of conservatism. But it also cripples the progressives, because you aren’t permitted to use government to accomplish the mission, either.

That is, government as we know it today. The idea a conglomeration of wildly different folks in one location can somehow be bound together under some objective fair laws is from Satan. All the more so if that notion envisions laws affecting how people conduct their private business. Yes, God made it universal for all mankind to respect the property of another, but the enforcement is the issue. The first line of defense is your family head of household, and their sense of proper response, when you believe your prerogatives of ownership are threatened. Behind that is a wealth of assumptions about how such disputes are settled, and no one system fits all the people everywhere. The notion someone is smart enough to figure it out for everyone is a slap at God. He put us on earth in families, households, clans and tribes because it was the best of all possible worlds after the Fall. It was His idea, and keeping folks cloistered in clans and tribes is the single best way to prevent crime.

So I’m stuck, because I realize precious few people in this world see it that way here in the West. I’m able to spread my crazy ideas because of this thing called the Internet. It has become the greatest threat to centralized government — by definition, evil government — the world has ever known. Now the Net is under threat, but this comes about the same time the very same government trying to kill it is about to dissolve itself as God Himself is ripping it apart for all that sin.

Am I alone in realizing this a is good thing? The whole foundation of Western Civilization is an insult to God, and it’s about time the thing collapsed under its own dead weight. Welcome to tomorrow. If you dare, consider preparing yourself and those you know for rebuilding things properly.

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