Individual Declaration of Independence

I frequently note here how pointless it is to be an activist. Even if you kill off the entire global elite ruling class and all their minions and lackeys in your government, new ones will rise to take their place. In every 100 people born at random throughout the world, at least three of them will be psychopaths. Of all the psychopaths born, some few will always be intelligent enough to rise in power.

Nobody else wants political power, so only psychopaths ever rule. Good people struggle to avoid it, but forcing too much authority on anyone may turn them into a psychopath. It requires a certain mental instability to want power, and ruling makes you unstable.

The vast majority of folks will demand a ruler, a protector, someone who will relieve them of the stress of making decisions in troubled times. They are shirkers. Sure, they’ll do the most demanding work you can imagine, as long as the blame for some aspect of the whole thing really falls on someone else. Thus, we refer to the majority as sheeple. They aren’t psychopaths, but they aren’t too stable and secure.

At the far other end of the scale are the few sane people. The best people on this planet are those who manage to avoid ruling, and avoid being ruled. A critical element in Christian Mysticism is that ability to stay disengaged. It’s not avoiding responsibility, because sanity itself demands you realize you are messed up at birth, and it only gets worse after that. Some of it you might write off as the influence of a bad environment, but at some point you can’t blame others for what you do because you really are free to leave all that behind. You may not have the power to change all the damage inside yourself, but you don’t have to let it rule you.

Nothing I offer in my feeble attempts here to awaken your consciousness of the path of sanity will appeal to the masses. And what the psychopaths can’t use to their advantage they try to shut down. But I’m too small of a target, so even the good folks running WordPress — who tend to respond positively to The Powers That Be (psychopaths) — haven’t noticed me much yet. And aside from my piddling efforts to offer some possible solutions to minor computer technology issues, most of my postings draw very little traffic. That is as it should be.

Those of us who truly embrace the sanity of Christian Mysticism are actually the greatest threat to the psychopaths, and most sheeple won’t like us for upsetting their applecart, either. But they are all too busy with other things, so we get away with talking about it. We are the ultimate weapon to destroy the system, insofar as God plans to use us for that purpose. The greatest threat to government is to not need it.

No, I don’t suggest you should avoid using what government offers, or avoid any interaction with government. Those may be good things, but the best way to destroy a falsehood is show it false. In your daily existence, your complete and utter sanity, your serenity in the face of all the insanity and fear is destructive to the system. Not being herded is how we do it.

Let’s declare our individual independence. We have no need for activism because we don’t need what government does. We are the ones who truly need no governing from this plane. We are ruled from above, and God’s authority always trumps all authority on earth combined. We depend on God, and can’t wait to be with Him face to face. Whatever goes on around us is just one more excuse to show it’s madness by not getting involved.

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