Something Wicked This Way Comes

Yeah, I was a fan of Ray Bradbury’s fiction in my youth. Excellent story-teller, but these days his nightmare visions seem tame compared to the reality.

I don’t pretend to know where it is all headed, only that it’s a downward direction. After ranting about it so much here, I wonder how much more I could say. Tomorrow always brings new horrors, and only if there is something unexpected would there be much to post. Today, I’m backing off to a broader viewpoint.

Don’t call this a prophecy, because I’m not that confident it’s a word from God. Rather, it strikes me as a disquieting and strong stirring in my spirit, something my brain is unprepared to process fully: In just a short time from now, a lot of what we rant and rave about will no longer matter. Indeed, there is a sense in which most of it is just noise even now. The gap between the ruling class and rest of us is about to reach that invisible breaking point when one or both groups will simply begin killing the other, or something equally dramatic.

I suppose we had a sample of that on 9/11, but I don’t want to chase that debate today. It’s just that I fully expect something worse aimed at some new civilian target, with far less justification as things become more desperate. Here in the US, it takes a lot longer to get to that point compared to the German protests over nuclear waste, or French protests over their government confiscating billions in social security taxes, then refusing to use it as promised to fund retirements. Ours is gone, too, but we are more easily fooled. I can’t guess when the spell will break, but I’m certain it will.

At that point, the rhetoric about the Constitution, the Rule of Law, etc., will be just words. It will be a matter of killing and surviving. It will also include some wonderful things from God’s hand, but I have to wonder who will notice them. His grace can only be measured from His point of view, and so very few are interested in knowing much about that point of view.

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