TSA: Evil Wins Regardless of Outcome

I see the backlash is growing. Perhaps the citizens of the US will display sufficient fortitude to force a rollback. I am cynical and skeptical on this, but it could happen.

The whole thing is a setup. There are range of possibilities presented or implied by mainstream media reports. Maybe we’ll all just settle down for the most part after a few folks get hit hard by the government. Maybe states and Congress will demand a rollback. Maybe the machines get moth-balled. It won’t matter to Chertoff, since he already has his money on the deal. But so long as TSA still exists, everybody loses.

That is, except for the evil ruling elite, TPTB. They win regardless. They don’t appear on the public stage, but they are certainly involved. Even if we take the extreme and refuse to fly commercial any more, TPTB will simply move to have air travel nationalized. Given the high level of regulation, it’s only a step away. But let’s assume the very most radical possibility, with an armed revolt and assassinations of highly placed DHS figures, and the inevitable snowballing with things getting out of control until someone backs off. It won’t change anything that matters.

We will still have a police state. It’s not just the people, but the system itself. Replace every one of them and it will soon come right back where it was. People are malleable, but our system is not. Maybe if we managed to kill all TPTB, the Shadow Government actually running things, we can remake the system. But the one now existing will never, ever be right.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sanity has left the country.

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