Assange and Image Rehabilitation

Those most likely to support Assange where it counts are the ones who have been calling him on being too soft on Israel. He got the message, I believe. He recently denied any intent of taking money or other favors from Israeli agents, a story with poor credibility in itself, coming from a single source with a huge conflict of interest. But he has also promised he will show us what he has on Israel soon.

Tell you what: If he does, I’ll gladly eat my words. If what he unloads supports the obvious truth of Israel as the single greatest threat to peace in this world, I’ll change my tune. He has to know he did himself no real lasting favor by letting the mainstream press be his initial gatekeepers. Those news outlets are owned by Israeli interests. But I maintain my doubts simply because, were his trove of cablegrams really a threat to Israel, Assange would already be toast. Mossad could school the Mafia on making problems disappear.

I feel certain this is all theatrics. It’s not as if Assange has done nothing good. Let me cite one example: a piece of software called “surfraw” — look it up. According to the documentation, he coded the software himself, and it’s an excellent idea if you need significant privacy for research. I’ll settle for using Starting Page myself; it’s good enough. But the point is not whether Assange is a good or bad guy, but the effects of his work. It serves too many evil purposes, and weakens the cause of justice. Whether by choice or by ignorance, he has allowed himself to be a tool for TPTB. In exchange, he gets VIP treatment and a free ride, lots of excitement, the cloak of a martyr for truth, and some extra-curricular bedroom fun, to boot. He pointedly feeds cynicism about himself.

But I promise I’ll go back and add an update to every post I’ve made about him and write a fresh apology if he delivers much at all on his promises. I’m particularly interested in the business of hammering a certain notorious bank. It’s not possible to find any bank in the US which hasn’t done far more harm than good, so every little bit helps. I’ll certainly give Assange credit if he gives us the goods on that, but my promise applies to the stuff about Israel. Until then, I assert he serves their interests.

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