Leaderless Pacifism and Resistance

Let’s start with the foundation: The only legitimate government among humans is the one related to you by blood or covenant. The modern nation state is an abomination before God. We are not anarchists; we are anti-state. I could easily chase down a hundred threads regarding crime and punishment, but the basic premise is a strong family culture would produce, by far, the superior socialization of all possible systems. The reason I give covenants a higher priority than blood ties is because they are rooted in the Spirit Realm, which always trumps everything on this plane of existence.

This principle is woven into the very fabric of Creation. The whole universe is bound by it. If you embrace it, reality will support you. That’s not an absolute get-out-of-jail-free card; only a fool thinks in terms of absolutes. Rather, unseen and immeasurable forces from that higher realm will always back you in your struggle to do what’s right, that which Creation itself longs to experience from you and every other human who yet breathes.

Because our world is currently so deeply perverted, twisted away from the universal moral ideals which hold matter together right this moment, we have to work around the failures. That is, if we cannot have familial leadership, we don’t accept any at all. If you can find a covenant community which embraces the ineffable principles of universal morality, then you should accept the leadership which naturally arises from everyone trusting someone particularly talented at self-sacrifice. The only person morally fit to lead is the one who tries their hardest not to lead, but seeks the welfare of others by giving them maximum freedom, empowering their choices, weeping over their weakness and failures, binding their wounds even when they result from stupidity. Right now, that’s pretty rare, so we use leaderless tactics as a path to get us going in that direction.

At this point, you see written within all this the divine principle of pacifism. Being a peacemaker is not forcing peace, but offering it. We make peace by demonstrating peace, which is just another name for compassion, mercy, justice, and all those other nice words we use to describe the nature of God Almighty born into human flesh.

Resistance is nothing more than the very act of living out that divine nature. That’s because the system inherent in this plane of existence militates against the divine nature. It wants the goodies without paying the price. By asserting our commitment to this other-worldly focus, we commit a passive assault on the lies and liars. They’ll take it personally, even as they deny doing so.

You’ll have to decide where your path runs. Bloom where you are planted. My path leads me to a somewhat isolate existence, in that I reside in a quiet mobile home park out in a rural area. While there are housing developments springing up around us, we sit in a strange bubble of unincorporated land belonging only to the county, and none of the jurisdictions can touch it. I am not aware of the political shenanigans involved, but I’m told none of the cities want it. Because of the complications from this, there will be no developments on the remaining wild land. Thus, a barrier consisting mostly of woodland and scrub insulates this place. It was a miracle which brought us here, and it will require another to move us out.

If you live closer, or in, the urban gloom, you’ll have to shape your own response to things. The last thing I want to do is advise anyone how to resist falsehood in a setting I can’t experience. I will tell you I think you can present a strong physical defense even while making peace. Paradox is a critical element in divine logic. For example, I practice self-defense techniques and tactics which focus most on escape and avoidance. I’ve tried to study a couple of systems, but none were right for me. I have to find my own way, and so do you. Never, ever buy anyone else’s system, or you are lying to yourself. Take from their offering what you can use, but stay on your own path.

If it’s in you, it will work. Not in the sense of any human measure of success, but in the sense you will simply know it’s right. But you’ll also see glimpses of truth as nature itself starts working with you. You’ll be at peace with what happens; nothing will surprise you.

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