Discontinuity Failures

I don’t fit. Every time I try to get involved in some organized effort to fix something, I am confronted with a demand I compromise on something else.

If I try to work with any part of the moral peace movement, I’m struck with a horrendous personal immorality movement. How can they offer such glorious expressions of public morality and be so filthy in private?

If I try to work with those promoting personal morality, I’m forced to adopt a horrendous immoral warfare promotion. How can they claim holiness when they are consumed with blood lust?

Worst of all, both are quite willing to enforce their vision of morality on others at the point of a gun. Both are vying to gain the upper hand in government policy, which is nothing more than organized control via the threat of violence.

They’ll keep trying, and it will only crash and burn with greater frequency and greater violence until there’s nothing left. Futility.

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