We Got Troubles

Locally here, we’ve been promised to get a piece of the same snow storm about to hit a big chunk of the US. Oklahoma seldom gets that kind of stuff, and we don’t invest that much in the requisite equipment, so we can expect major road and transportation issues. School closures will be a prominent feature of the coming week.

Meanwhile, our thug in Tunisia is out, and his would-be replacement is faring no better, since he wants to keep his under-thugs on staff. Egypt will also toss our thug there, but they got another one in line who only appears nicer. El Baradei is the CFR-Bilberberg candidate, but it seems the protesting Egyptians are fooled by him. Some of our other thugs in that part of the world are also in trouble. Oh, wait — it seems a large portion of the US population now realizes they aren’t our thugs, but clients of the ruling regime of thugs over us, too. Yeah, it’s one big thug club, and we aren’t in it.

For now, the Americans are too highly conditioned to follow the examples in Tunisia and Egypt in such numbers. We have a century of enstupiating mal-education and entertainment. We got fluoride in our water, which the Nazis discovered was a great way of controlling the masses, making them less likely to pay much attention to oppression. It’s like the fish, shrimp, and so forth who swim in our massive pharmacological pollution and start acting stupid, making themselves easy targets for predators. Except that pollution is what leaks into the waters from us, as we consume vast quantities of these drugs. All legally, of course. Or it leaks into the water from our industrial slaughter animal factories (AKA CAFOs). Steaks or chops, anyone?

Well, with prices being driven up on commodities speculation, food will inflate faster than the rest of the economy. That’s rather like fuel, as well, which just recently took a big jump. These two items alone can make or break the more personal economics of average folks. So while there are all sorts of efforts to keep us lethargic and staring uncomprehendingly at most of what goes on around us in the rest of the world, that rumbling of thousands of empty stomachs will eventually be the rumbling of riots, and the rumbling of The Fed’s printing presses will be drowned out.

Now, here in the Heartland, we grow most of what is eaten in those megalopolis strips along our sea shores. We also produce a lot of the oil and gas they burn. If there is going to be serious trouble, it will be in those places where the urbanization stretches for hundreds of miles in all directions. There is no place to grow their food, so it has to be brought in from places like where I live. We are all too glad to send that stuff, but we need to be paid, and an awful lot of those urban folks are without jobs. If they start to riot, there really won’t be any place to send that stuff, since it can’t be transported in through such a mess.

We got troubles, but I think this is a pretty safe place to be while they get worse.

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