Have You Thought About It?

Like the frog in the pot as the temperature rises ever so slowly, we don’t notice we are being cooked alive. Revolutions happen because peaceful and gradual change always goes in the wrong direction. You would think at some point the frog would notice and refuse to be cooked, but the great experiment of the psychopaths here in the US has been quite successful.

Notice how little difference there is between the US and Egypt when it comes to the excesses of the ruling regime:

Under Mubarak’s “Emergency Law Rule,” police powers are vastly increased, constitutional law and individual rights are suspended, and complete censorship is legalized. This law forbids any non-governmental political activity like street demonstrations, non-approved political organizations, and all “unregistered” financial donations. In addition, and even more heinous, is that under this law, the government has the right to imprison individuals for any period and for virtually any reason. They may be kept in prison without trial for as long as the government desires. Considering recent events there, with police and military actions, rules and curfews, murder of innocents, and the shutdown of communications, including the Internet, this evil law is obviously in place. Does any of this sound familiar? It should, because the U.S government has either committed many of these same crimes, or is threatening to do so. Just consider Guantanamo, secret renditions, black prison sites, suspension (or elimination) of habeas corpus, incarceration without charges or trial, suppression of speech, spying and wiretapping, and brutal torture. The U.S. government and its police-state accomplices have committed all of this and much more for some time now.

The United States government and its corporate partners in crime have already achieved a level of corruption beyond any in history. I base this on the monumental scope and reach of this empire.

The primary purpose of all the corruption hasn’t changed since the first warlord shook his spear over a cowering tribe of troglodytes. What started as organizing defense from all too natural threats in the environment became an excuse to demand privilege and comfort denied the rest. When the real treat subsided, it was necessary to create fake ones. The only real threat to America today is from her government. There are virtually no terrorists in the world today we did not help to create through the CIA and other black ops agencies. This is a matter of record if you bother to research it. The only difference between democracy and naked tyranny is the level of deception and manipulation.

We are the evil empire, and everyone hates us for entirely justified reasons. Granted, our standard of living currently exceeds that for Egyptians, but not for long. If you can discern the pattern of actions taken by our government, you can see there is a determined will and intent to bring us down to that level. I’m wondering when anyone will notice. I’m wondering when folks will decide they can’t take any more, and we see genuine revolt here. Given what I see around me every day, I feel certain we will be pushed a great deal farther than the Egyptians before we react. As a nation, we simply aren’t paying attention to much of anything except the Super Bowl, which congressman got caught trolling for illicit sex, or some TV bimbo’s latest fashion statement.

Those who continue to cling to this most arrogant and farcical notion will be the last to grasp the reality that in many regards, the U.S. political structure is little different than that of its so-called enemies. The reason this truth is still so elusive to most is due to the fact that the general citizenry of this country has over time been dumbed down by the government school system. In addition, our society has become one based on almost total dependence, with little concept of personal responsibility or self-reliance, one without morals, and one that is consumed with a belief in the myth of American exceptionalism. This distorted conventional thinking will have to change dramatically before any true progress can be made.

But I’m not calling for an armed revolt. What we see is the norm for human government from The Beginning, and will be to The End. While an armed revolt would indicate we have some national soul left, it wouldn’t really change anything that matters. What I’m calling for is folks realizing how stupid it all is. If just a slender marginal minority could continue promoting a higher grasp of reality, stuff like this would never get so far out of control, but would wither and die much earlier. We have allowed independent thinking to be hijacked and channeled into narrowly restrained partisan bickering.

Until your soul is free from the chains of this world, your body cannot begin to experience any form of liberty.

The United States while considered the freest country on earth, has the highest incarceration rate in the world. With less than 5% of the world’s population, the U.S. houses over 23% of the world’s prison population. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1 in every 32 adults, or 3.1% of the population was either on probation, in jail or prison, or on parole in 2009.

The literal reality is symbolic proof for the truth of our condition. And because we are so nationally stupid and enslaved, we allow the elite to run rampant and bring that slavery to the rest of the world.

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