More on Character Is Holiness

Character: in typesetting, recognizable, different from other characters; the quality of having a unique presentation to the world; being different enough to distinguish from others of the same type.

This is a follow-up to Character Is Holiness.

In the comparison to the list offered by Roissy, it is the contrast which was the point of my post. A fundamental assumption in Christian Mysticism is we do not belong to this world and its nature. We are stuck in it, and seek every means to escape. Short of extinguishing our human existence, we pull away with every fiber of our being, distinguishing ourselves from the rest of humanity. This is the essence of having a witness, of participating in the revelation of God, because we show Him in our departure from the nature of this prison of the Fall.

So when it comes to romantic relationships, as with everything else, we are torn between the extremes. As we seek to draw closer to the Holy, and pull away from the profane, there is a tension which cannot be resolved so long as we have flesh. We compromise, not in the sense of surrender, but in accepting the limits of reality — reality as it is defined on this lower plane of existence. Review for a moment in your mind the Three Pillars: We don’t trust human nature; we live in a holy cynicism which we apply even to ourselves. It is a living tension we accept as our reality, and we each individually build our own answer to the drawing of the Holy Spirit.

In my list against Roissy’s, I am reacting to this world in that clinging to the Spirit Realm. I recognize the nature of how things work in this world, particularly in regards to human sexuality. I recognize how the behavior patter of an Alpha Male affects other people. As one who relies on my thespian talents a great deal, it’s simply a tool. Not so that I may manipulate, but in striving to gain a stronger testimony, speaking the language of those in my world. I have no intention of taking unfair advantage, no intention to deceive, but to clarify and reveal as much of the ultimate truth as any one in this world can. I want other people to know what they are getting, flaws and all, when they examine the package which is my presence in this world.

Yes, most assuredly it places a high demand on us to understand, yet deny the power of the way this world works. Spiritual men seeking the support in the mission and calling, which God grants through a spouse, will not accept what the Alpha Male seeks in women. Those kind of women dominate the landscape, and you have to know how they operate. We must understand how, even on this fallen plane, they deceive themselves in our wicked Western culture, and how they actually do respond. The Alpha Male model treats women as objects of self-fulfillment; the spiritual model makes them full equal partners in redemption. Women themselves are highly variable, drawn to a particular man in the given moment by some mixture of good and evil, and we are too often no better. In seeking spiritual manhood, we recognize many will be drawn for all the wrong reasons, and we cannot be distracted, even as we cannot surrender the character traits which make us interesting. Spiritual manhood does grab some of the Alpha Male character, because Alpha manhood is a portion of ultimate truth. Were it not so, Game would not work at all. Where it overlaps revelation, we embrace it.

Where there is conflict, we pull away. There are precious few women in this world who meet the divine standard. They do exist; I’m married to one. It is not a matter of perfection as we think of it on the human plane, and certainly not in terms of Western intellectual culture and Aristotelian epistemology (AKA absolutism), but a dynamic measure of spiritual fitness which prevents me having any genuine interest in looking for something more appealing. My spirit affirms I won’t find anyone more suitable on any terms. I can’t turn off my wiring and conditioning, any more than I turn things back on when they quit working (thanks to our modern world of arrogance in technology, which has created an environmental soup of pharmacological poisons which disrupt the normal biological processes). Nor can I prevent the natural signals which my body, of its own accord, sends to these lesser women. But I don’t allow that part of me to vote when it comes to making decisions. At whatever cost to my socio-sexual status, I fight Adam and keep my hammer and nails close at hand to put him back up on the Cross whenever he gets to vivid.

By contrasting with the aims and habits of Alpha as Alpha itself, we delegitimize Game even as we take advantage of it as a resource for understanding. We live in a fallen world, and are not permitted to ascertain from God who among those we encounter is spiritually alive. We don’t even know where they are in the moment, only what we are obliged to choose. Those who insist on operating in our presence below the Spirit Realm will be handled according to the Laws of God rather strictly, which means we use the skills of Game to accomplish the mission. For those who rise in the moment to the spiritual level, we operate along different lines.

We cannot afford to engage seriously any woman who isn’t seeking to escape Game and the spinning hamster wheel. (See Vox Day on the the spinning hamster wheel of female rationalization.) This includes our seeking to discern whether she has the potential to rise above Game far enough, often enough, to honestly be a potential helpmate in our mission and calling from God. We know an honest pursuit of holiness will draw a narrower audience of women, but not of itself narrow enough to be safe. Satan is much smarter than that. So while we seek to engage everyone, male and female, in our witness by our personality and character, we remain ever aware of the inescapable pitfalls of temptation.

We use the Laws, but are not bound by them. Our whole existence is a call to repentance, knowing precious few will respond at any given moment. It is entirely in the hands of Our Lord who responds and when. Nor are we permitted to discern whether that repentance is of a living spirit being born or simply a smitten conscience of fallen souls under the Laws. What we can learn to know is how God wants us to respond in the moment. Be exceedingly selective with women, because if you end up bound in a marriage with one who somehow remains under the Laws and requires a heavy use of Game, your mission will be hindered, perhaps even crippled. Worse, you may end up having to treat her as spiritually dead and be forced to separate. If you can train your mind to obey your spiritual leading, reflecting often on your convictions and keeping your will focused on the Spirit Realm, you will not be so easily deceived by false attention from false women.

Roissy provides a very great service in clarifying God’s Laws. Let’s be grateful for his gift as from God, making use of the things of this world as just another tool in our mission. We also set aside any tool when it isn’t appropriate for the job at hand, and discard it when it is worn out and no longer serves any purpose in our lives.

(I am praying some spiritual woman with a talent for writing can supplement my guidance for men with something equivalent for women. I’m don’t believe I possess sufficient expertise to comment at length on the other side.)

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