JFK Conspiracy Theories Note

I’m one of those who remembers the exact moment when I heard JFK was assassinated, despite being a mere second grade student in one of the Oklahoma City Public Schools (Emerson Elementary, no longer a school, but an administrative building).

Nobody in their right mind believes the official story. Copious research disproves every element of it, aside from the bare facts. Over the course of my life I’ve heard dozens of theories. Most of them carried elements of plausibility, but none of them registered as that magical “aha” moment. As I aged and continued researching conspiracy theories academically, I became more comfortable dismissing even the strongest contenders.

There have always been multiple factions in our labyrinthine government bureaucracy, and various sacred cow programs, each of which were somehow threatened by the actions of JFK. So far as I can determine, for good or ill, he was the last truly independent president of the US. Since his term, the rest have been wholly owned, and reasonably cooperative or compliant with their true constituencies. Which means not a one has been accountable to the voters. So much we understand with full clarity. JFK refused to obey the single unofficial group which continues to control our nation: the international banking families who own our currency and our economy.

However, there are several competing ideas of how he came under their sanction. Given what we have recently discovered of their signature, their modus operandi, we can dismiss such notions as his stated desire to remove their direct control over the currency. He would not have been able to do any significant damage there in the long term. The global system simply would not have supported such a move. Further, they would have been able to wait him out, if need be, given they have worked across multiple generations already. So that motive for assassinating him won’t stand scrutiny.

We do know a critical element was Johnson’s determination to execute a coup, but simply saying it was about Zionism and linking it to the USS Liberty and Israel, for example, is not enough. Zionism is merely a single face of the Illuminati, not their sole identity. There isn’t sufficient leverage in that direction. Rather, the most threatening thing JFK did was refuse to obey the Shadow Government in a series of critical moves in foreign policy. The single greatest factor in our national enslavement has been the fear factor, the only vast conspiracy which actually exists, recognized partially under the label of Neo-cons. The Shadow Government strengthens its grasp via war industries and debt, and this requires warfare which consumes everything in our national consciousness and our economy.

Plain and simple: JFK refused to be pushed into starting WW3. There was no particular value to the Illuminati in causing either the US or the USSR to lose any such war, since it would most likely have ended in a stalemate of some sort. Rather, their hope was in what such a war would have done to grant them global leverage. I sincerely doubt any extended nuclear exchange would have taken place; research shows all those with their fingers on the buttons have always had a clear head about that. Such was never the plan, merely the propaganda fear issue, but anything short of that would have been quite the game the Illuminati were playing. It was the entanglement of the superpowers in warfare which would have spilled over, serving to destroy the last few holdouts, nations with significant resources not yet subject to direct global banking manipulations.

That window of opportunity closed for them. This meant yet one more delay. Today things are back on course for the Shadow Government. We are now poised to entangle at least the US, via the CIA, in breaking down the relatively independent Arab states, independent in terms of their banking system and economic policies. As a bonus it looks to sucker the Russians the Chinese into at least some expensive indirect support in their own economic self-interests. But indirect manipulations of things for the Illuminati are not enough; the entire world must be exposed to a more direct manipulation. The current rash of Arab revolts are the result of CIA planning and funding, transparently so for those who care to ignore the mainstream media propaganda.

I am utterly convinced the fabled One World Government we all fear, and justly so, is masked by all these other broken conspiracy theories. The means to such a global control has always been the singular weakness of humanity since the dawn of recorded history, our dependence on an economic system, our obsession with the material world. Everything we do as humanity points back to this fundamental failure of culture, philosophy, religion, along with the more direct hand of government itself, and every other means to usurping the one single path God offers still for a decent human existence until He decides it is time to end it all. All of this other stuff is offered as a poor and thin substitute for God’s provision.

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2 Responses to JFK Conspiracy Theories Note

  1. degoggler says:

    Having researched the JFK Assasination for some years, mapping all the alternate theories, then junking alternate theories in favour of simply analysing facts, timelines and personalities involved i have come to an uneasy partial conclusion. There literally isnt an answer. All of it appears mired in obfuscation and deliberate half facts.

    I am open to your views of an over-arching group, a nefarious coterie (ok, an illuminati) however i think it must extend much further than the principle of a broad group of individuals with common interests. It must by the sheer success and secrecy be so all compassing as to counter justifiable doubts about the ability of co-conspirators to keep on message and silent.

    So, the upshot is that i do believe that the manipulation of society, organisations, the economy and an inordinate amount of how the world runs is down to some form of nefarious group.

    But my stepping off point is asking how much of world events are simply fabrications.

    Was the JFK assasination a pageant? A play? The implications are quite mad, but millions of researchers into the assasination have amounted to nothing. There are millions of genuine researchers over the past 50 years who have illuminated the fact that the official narrative is bunkum.

    Has this ‘nefarious coterie’ gained far more control of the world than even people who are open to the idea of an illuminati than we could comprehend?

  2. Ed Hurst says:

    Thanks for stopping by to comment, degoggler. I think we generally agree that the only story is that the official story is lies; we may never know. There is even a possibility it was overlapping teams of agents from different factions within the shadow government, and some may have only realized they were beaten to the punch just as they were about to do their job. He threatened more than one identifiable interest group. My thinking has changed a bit since I first wrote this. There is no single group, but a class of groups that tend to cooperate, but compete by rules we probably don’t understand. And I fully admit I really don’t know.

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