A Minority Report: Will the Real Conspiracy Please Stand Up?

It’s not a matter of knowing precisely what is real, but recognizing what clearly is not.

Don’t pay any attention to me; I’m simply some nut claiming to be a prophet serving Jesus Christ. Most of the other people in world claiming Him as Lord will not agree with me on some of what I have to say. In particular, they have made it clear they reject my most basic underlying assumptions about the Bible, even though we all agree it is the essential source for all we claim. We all agree Satan is roaming the earth intent on deceiving and destroying our faith and witness, but I contend they chase a lot of those deceptions without realizing it. We who wave the Bible with sincerity are considered a fringe group, and I am a member of the lunatic fringe within that.

Knowing this, I am uninhibited in my writing because I have nothing to lose being honest. That anyone reads my blog at all is for me supporting testimony of God’s power to speak through the likes of Balaam’s Ass. I don’t claim to see angels with swords, but I do see things others do not.

I’m not sure whether I was ever actually a member of the Patriot Underground, AKA the Liberty Movement, and a few other nicknames. There was no single point of departure, though significant events litter my path into their company. No such events provide any clear milestones on my way back out, but it was clearly a different route. At any rate, it was just a sojourn, an exploration, an academic examination. I wanted to see if it felt like home; it did not. Meanwhile, I found this whole thing is much bigger than anyone realizes, yet is hardly so amorphous as anyone hopes. We all see through a mirror darkly, but some societies are more deceived than others. There is no secret army of freedom fighters scattered across America waiting some signal to attack the system and set us free. It’s hot air, a false sense of self-importance. Their targets are all well known, yet still actively going about destroying what shreds of liberty we may have ever had. Had there ever been a good moment to start shooting, it is well past. The Liberty Movement is loaded with hard ridges of fact almost drowning under oceans of self deception.

They are much like feminists in that sense. The feminazis do have a fair grip on what they don’t like, but they are utterly deceived about how to change it. They refuse see it: What they don’t like is actually hard-wired human nature. That’s the real failure of feminism, one they share with every political movement. They are all a big problem, but in their claimed agendas they are all toothless. Treating them as a genuine threat, or as a savior, is proof you don’t understand the bigger picture.

That is what the most dangerous people in this world want, those true servants of Darkness. We could debate forever labels and other extraneous issues, but until we see the real threat, we can’t ask God for guidance on how to respond and expect to understand the answer. There is a core group of humans seeking to take over the world, the real power behind much of what we see, or think we see. I call them the Illuminati, but often hedge a bit on the definition of the term. While it’s academically possible to draw clear distinctions, I suspect the boundaries are much softer, varying from time to time as to whom is included in this core group. I don’t think it matters in detail, but in concept. That’s because there are an awful lot of folks who appear to belong, but do not. These are the ones we see raised as examples of ultimate evil. They become a living propaganda screen, and it’s very effective. We watch their every move, record every sound-bite falling from their lips, and fear them. They are dangerous, and their threats are real, but if we killed them all, the plot would not change.

Let me offer an example, a thread of baloney which continues to keep folks distracted. Start with the understanding the real truth won’t make you much money. It’s not as if God won’t use someone with money and power, but He typically requires them to operate in low profile, while He gives prominence to folks everyone would prefer to ignore. That’s the nature of revelation — discounting the lies man already believes and promoting the truth he rejects. If it’s really important to the mass of humanity, it’s guaranteed to miss the point Heaven makes.

A major element in keeping the masses deceived has always been false threats, to create and maintain a false fear. A very popular recurring theme is threat to some major figure in the counter-establishment press. These people make their living from their high profile. It’s not that they are lazy; they work hard. But they work hard at something which isn’t productive, just very popular. They are primarily entertainers. They always have some facts right, or no one would pay attention, much less money. But part of their stage persona is the risks they take in bringing this precious truth to light. It sells.

My importance is only what God says it is, and it’s not up to me to decide for you. I realize it will seem like a counter-schtick, but I’ve learned the best way to make room for God in this writing business is to actively and playfully discourage people taking me seriously. I’m committed to truth, and can’t afford to get in the way. If I’m deluded, it’s my problem, but if I’m a genuine prophet, His people won’t be able to ignore me. That is, those appointed to hear the message I bear will come seeking it, even to the point of shaking it out of me. Part of getting out of His way means checking, and double-checking, to make sure I have no worldly vested interest in the message itself. I don’t place ads, don’t ask for money or sell anything, or even link to other blogs, not even my own other sites, except when it strikes me as relevant to the message. Let the message stand on its own.

Here’s a message for you: If the Illuminati want you dead, it will happen. I’ll be the first to tell you my encounter with the US Marshals was not persecution. I was a random, hapless victim of a bumbling dehumanizing bureaucracy. Had they really wanted to hurt me, I’d still be in custody, despite their general incompetence. But if someone really important wants to get me, you may never hear about it. The point of my story about Mr. Thompson and the US Marshals is what my encounter tell us about the War on Drugs, along with the nature of the US government lies about the the “goodness” of their various stated missions. I’m just a witness, and my involvement is merely a point of credibility.

Many of my readers probably know all too well Rush Limbaugh is primarily an entertainer. The only real result of all his work is a bigger bank account, which is itself result of his popularity, in turn arising from telling a wealthy segment of the population whatever is most likely to keep them listening. It’s not what he knows about politics, but what he knows about marketing that makes him successful. Most of you know Alex Jones is a cheap version of the same, who only wishes he could copy Limbaugh’s success. So he taps a smaller market, which happens to be more rabid. At one time I would have given some credit to the stories reported by Wayne Madsen, but it’s starting to wear thin. Were Madsen offering anything truly threatening to the regime, he would be gone already. Never mind whether he’s got anything on the Illuminati; the names and faces in Washington DC Madsen claims to expose are not that central core group, but they have more power and competence than the US Marshals who ruined my reputation in that tiny little church in East Texas.

Almost all the stuff you and I know about as really nasty and threatening to human life does not bear the fingerprints of the Illuminati, but some of their household staff, as it were. The nuclear missiles which slipped out of the Air Force control channel and onto that bomber might be useful to the greater plans of the Dark Overlords, but shows too much bungling. Okay, so maybe you believe it’s all part of the deeper deception to allow some news to leak out about the seven men killed who knew too much, or the lost sixth missile, etc. I say it’s not central to their plans, except as a distraction. Jones and Madsen whining about threats is almost iron-clad proof they don’t matter, or they wouldn’t be able to whine publicly.

The Illuminati are not more than humans, just smarter than average and generally better informed than the rest of us. We will probably never know who they are, any more than we can reasonably identify who was among them from history. Satan only shows his face when his target already knows him. He miscalculates, too. Surely his human servants, including those who serve him knowingly, are no more capable. But that still leaves an awful lot of room for competence in keeping us deceived. All the more so when so many people are actively seeking to be deceived. Crazy as it sounds, it’s more important we understand how all the current buzz is false than it is for us to actually know the dark secrets of the real threat. The Illuminati will eventually fail, and if Our Lord tarries, we’ll get a new crop of them later.

The real conspiracy is to keep us distracted from what really matters.

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