Apocalypse Soon; Opt Out Now

We can’t prevent the coming troubles, but we can prevent ourselves from panicking.

Yesterday’s post was partially in jest. Frankly, my mind from day to day might drift on the subject of which operating system I would prefer and why. It’s entirely contextual, and the factors are more numerous than even I would like to admit. My personal perspective is in flux, and I am only guessing why I even bother with computers in the first place, and what seems important today may change before the lunch time. The reason I chose that as the ostensible topic was to show how it really doesn’t matter that much. What matters is we really are in trouble, and it won’t be fun.

That is, it won’t be fun unless we are prepared for it. A part of me realizes this will be one of the most entertaining moments in human history, but only for those capable of stepping outside the moment. We know we won’t be able to disassociate ourselves totally from the empty stomach and cold bodies resulting from exposure to the elements, if it comes to that. And it very well could. But knowing we face that as some probability for our future days need not cause panic. We know a vast majority of those we encounter daily will panic, indeed, and it will surely flavor our existence, and we need to understand some of what causes all this misery and sudden disruption. If it is possible to grasp some of the markers which indicate the flavor of our future suffering, we are responsible for trying to grasp them.

This assumes you share somewhat my underlying vision; why else would you bother reading this stuff? I get a lot of hits on this blog which point to people seeking practical answers to computer annoyances. But I’ve said repeatedly my self-image is not wrapped up in a high blogging profile, but in making life better for others in this awful world. Something about this expression of caring for your suffering, of trying to clarify things which puzzle, is meant to point to something far more difficult to say in human language, but far more important than all the piddly stuff I’m trying to clarify. I can’t give you Truth, but I honestly believe that Truth demands I write certain things which might serve to indicate something about the Truth. If you manage to get closer to that Truth, my job is done, my purpose is served.

All I have to go on is the paltry few comments and the statistical feedback WordPress offers here. But without that, I still have this burning desire to express myself. Welcome to my private bubble of insanity. I’m going to babble along with or without your eyes. Today’s babble is aiming to clarify, to point out some connections you might not have noticed.

The primary means of our current malaise is economic in nature. That’s because the bad guys who are mashing us into the dirt are primarily interested in their own economic advantage. They want control of their environment, and the current understanding of that control means mostly economic control. Whether they are wise enough to understand the symbiosis of economics — that we have to receive our share or they won’t have anything — is not the problem. It’s more the problem of how much they believe our share ought to be. Right now, it appears they estimate we should have far less than we have been enjoying in recent history. So they are working to take from us a significant portion of what we have had.

A major element in transferring all that wealth was deceiving us. Would we just voluntarily go along with it? No, they had to make us believe we still had our growing wealth, even as they were slipping more and more of it into their own stash. Propaganda is an ancient game, going back to the Fall itself. My fingers tickle the keys on a laptop which came into my possession fundamentally because we all believed sufficiently in the Information Age and the economic value of handling digital data. With the power of such belief, we were ready to allow our government to give tax breaks to major corporations for moving all the real jobs they could pry loose from our hands to other countries where folks would do those jobs for a lesser share of the income stream generated by what they produced. So nowadays we shuffle lots of electrons, but don’t produce more than a tiny slender minority of what we actually consume in material goods. And we all somehow believed we were richer. Meanwhile, the stuff we actually have in our hands, which our own laws secretly insist we don’t really own, is mostly junk, but we still have this lingering impression we are wealthy compared to other nations.

In fact, the laws of our nation actually consider each of as human beings the property of someone else. There are people near you today who have the full legal authority to dispose of your very flesh as they see fit, and are wholly unaccountable to you on the matter. The only limits are those which prevent them acting accordingly at any given moment — whether they can find you, can touch your person, or exert some means of compelling you to present yourself to their choices for you. A major element in all this is whether you feel constrained to accept all the underlying assumptions by going along with the system.

A great deal of this depends on your understanding of the system. That you go along with it at any given moment is not the point, but how you understand it. And if you aren’t American and aren’t presently under American jurisdiction only means you have your own complications, and they probably aren’t all the different at some fundamental level. The whole mess is so tightly strung together across legal jurisdictions, and just about everybody will probably be suffering to some degree in the near future.

At some point, conditions will permit The Powers That Be (TPTB) to stop pretending. Along the way, they’ll pretend less and less. Personally, I think things will be dramatically and painfully different before my next birthday — 18 September. I pray I’m wrong. On the other hand, I am utterly certain it is coming, and it is God’s own plan in action, and nobody on this earth really knows what it will be like. Part of my estimation is a matter of economic numbers I’m not quite sure I really grasp. What I do grasp is things like the Dow Jones Industrial Index is running off false liquidity. That fancy jargon means a bunch of debt is being used as money by people who won’t have to pay when the debt comes due. But they get to use it as their own because that’s how the system works. That debt is a numerical representation of our future freedom to choose, which is being sold cheaply — AKA slavery.

I’ll do my best to avoid popular jargon because it might cause someone to miss the real point here. This whole thing assumes you and I, and most other humans on the planet, will accept certain assumptions about the necessity of participating in the system. Had Eve not swallowed the unspoken assumptions of Satan’s lies, we’d still be in the Garden. Whatever you want to make of the Flaming Sword at the entrance to the Garden, the way back means we stop swallowing those lies. At some point, some level of your personal awareness, you need to see the disconnect between what-seems-to-be and what-really-is for yourself. You may well go on participating simply because that’s the best answer to certain fundamental questions of your existence, but by no means should you simply keep believing it’s the whole story.

Almost everyone has the capacity to see through the lies; almost no one will bother. The first lie they buy is the necessity of this human plane of existence, as if there is nothing else. I can’t fix that for them, nor for you. I can only assert it’s not so. Based on that firm conviction, I find myself much more comfortable questioning a lot of assumptions common to the human condition.

A great many governments today are serving a much higher ruling regime. I call them the Illuminati because most folks have a useful idea that means a governing class of people we seldom see in public positions. These Illuminati may not show their faces any more than in the past, but their policies will become more directly enforced, including to the point of more forcefully keeping their servants in government positions in line. An awful lot of people who really think they are in charge are in for a rude awakening. Too bad you can’t ask Saddam Hussein what that feels like, but his associate Moamar Gaddafi is too busy for interviews right now.

Because of the vagaries of human decision making, and the vast numbers involved, and a raft of other factors hard to list without writing a book, we should expect this whole shift to continue being as sloppy as it is right now. Regime change in the Middle East is not a precise operation, and the Illuminati didn’t expect any better. If we get wrapped up in all the details, or in silly things like Obama’s birth certificate, we’ll let slip the really important details of where this is all headed. I don’t harbor any particular animosity towards Prince William and his new bride, but that’s just a side show. While I applaud personally his choice to wear the red tunic of his highest military rank, and the announced reason for this choice, I doubt his more critical choices as Heir Apparent will make that much difference in the long run. He’s a pawn, too, and the game is too big and complicated for me to care much when and how he’ll be played.

The game itself is about control exercised via our cooperation. If you believe in any part of the system as it now exists, you are a prisoner, a slave. Whatever bad stuff is coming will hurt you more than is necessary, more than is actually inherent in the event itself. I’ve written plenty about what it means to opt out of the system, but the point here is you would have to choose to remain shackled each step of the way. Question the whole thing and you’ll be half-way there; you’ll be in a better position to bear whatever misery is coming.

Your choices are limited enough by the mere fact of living on a fallen plane of existence. Don’t make it any worse by accepting the lies which lead you to believe there is no other plane. We are facing some seriously painful days very soon, but you need not surrender to the pain. Apocalypse is your opportunity to learn the boundaries of this plane, and to explore freedom beyond those boundaries.

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