Self-Evident Failure

All compelling logic is contextual.

They wrote, “We hold these truths to be self-evident…” The only thing self-evident is the failure of the system which they set forth. All men are not equal on this earth; it was pure propaganda when they wrote that. They weren’t about to offer full equality to every human in the land, but they rationalized it by dismissing the humanity of some in their minds, particularly those who didn’t embrace their notions of civilization.

Even today we can hardly believe how China is about to bury us economically. We can’t imagine how our capitalism, pure or corrupted, can be clobbered by what truly is Confucian Mercantilism. Nor can we understand how the Chinese government can remain so successful under non-democratic assumptions. We are so deeply wedded to our Western epistemology, we are incapable of understanding that our nifty little philosophical assumptions don’t always work out. We simply dismiss the results saying pure republican government ideals and pure Austrian Economics haven’t been given a fair shake. That’s not the point. Those ideals are simply not possible; they are founded on assumptions about humans which are utterly false.

It’s the same thing I see in the field of Open Source computer software. Why would any rational person fail to embrace something so obviously superior? Maybe you, the developers and fan-boys, fail to understand you are seeing it all from a limited context. Maybe the computer user doesn’t want what you offer because they have no intention of doing what you take for granted everyone must do with a computer. That’s not a matter of their ignorance, but yours, which I have tried to tell you often enough. Linux will progress in acceptance, but only within a narrow field of where the software provided coincides with user habits. Only by accident do Open Source developers stumble across something people like; you have no understanding of the average computer user, and appear openly hostile to the idea you don’t get it.

So those who embrace republican government and free economics don’t get it, either. Their ideas will prevail only where people buy into the Western epistemology. The Chinese, for example, are not infected with such an epistemology. Ours is a particularly arrogant view which dismisses all others without a fair and honest examination. We cannot imagine our system failing, and are openly hostile to the notion we need to look into it.

This makes it all so very easy to keep us in the dark. The Illuminati take advantage of this natural tendency, and work to promote the arrogance. The problem for them is their own arrogance based in the same fundamental assumptions. So first the West will collapse. Then, if God waits long enough, so will the Illuminati. They aren’t gods. Should anyone be around with an open mind long enough, they’ll see it, and perhaps write about it. I know I would.

Meanwhile, China will not go along with the Illuminati, and Russia appears to be trying to pull away, too. The Muslim nations already have the philosophical foundation for it, but haven’t yet figured out how to simply ignore Israel and get on with the business of rebuilding their lost civilization. Yes, Islam as a cultural milieu has weaknesses, too, but that need not be fatal as it is with Western Civilization. These alternative cultures are all seeing the Illuminati plans, and recognizing who is working to promote that vision. They realize the key to escape is building their own alternate banking system, which will enable their own political system.

Meanwhile, our system is failing. It will not recover.

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