Gang Aft Agley

In God’s eyes, no one is more than a mouse in the house.

I sincerely hope we don’t have US troops invading Iran. I really don’t like the idea of slaughtering humans in mass quantities, but I am utterly convinced God has said that would happen if we do send troops there. Another part of me is pretty sure we will, and the whole thing makes me painfully sad. I don’t care a whit about the US government, and frankly wish it was those who rule whose lives were at risk. Nor do I care a whit about our much vaunted national identity, because it’s all a pack of lies. What I care about is the unconscionable waste of human lives at the behest of psychopaths. Good and honest people have no interest in governing others, so human governments with any measure of success are always run by psychopaths.

My feelings about Iran arise from what I am certain is a prophetic word from God to me. Everything else I have to say about these things, for now, is a combination of intuition and educated guess. The guess work will shift all over the place as things develop and I learn from those who know a lot more than I. There is no time factor attached to my prophecy about invading Iran, so I’m watching events as closely as I can. I’m pretty sure I can’t understand half of what I see.

This morning I read China has formally announced their intention to support Pakistan against further incursions by the West. This gets complicated very quickly. Not that anyone is surprised by this announcement, but the timing on the heels of our alleged “get bin Laden” operation is sure to steer things, even if China’s announcement is pure propaganda. I don’t pretend to know how much China is tied into the Illuminati schemes of ruling the world through banking and debt, but I do know China is not a friend of the West. I’m still trying to understand even small parts of this thing, particularly in terms of timing.

Part of the big question is who is steering what moves and why. Most people know Big Oil is a major reason we invaded Afghanistan. That is, Western Big Oil, since the point of this exercise is cutting Russian Big Oil and Chinese Big Oil out of the pool by running a pipeline from Central Asia out to Western controlled waters. That much is transparent, but it is hardly the whole story. I tend to think petroleum is a real issue, but is often merely an excuse for something else. There are many players playing each other. This is part of the reason I believe whomever the Illuminati are, they are hardly a single united group with a single plan. Place them too far above the rabble of human existence and the image requires you believe they aren’t quite human. I can’t justify that by my convictions about things in general, and it’s why I reject a lot of noise in the alternative/underground news. I tend to think there are real people involved with their own multiple loyalties, and Big Oil is just one concern among many.

Indeed, I believe Israel itself is just a ploy, a tool of distraction in the grander scheme, but that’s another article.

Between my convictions on the one hand, and my intuition and guessing on the other, I figure we won’t back off Pakistan, but will tread more lightly in the future. I believe the original plan was to break up Pakistan so as to control Baluchistan, where our convoys were operating, providing the bulk of our expensive supply line into Afghanistan. I can’t guess how committed our government is to charging ahead with that plan. Expect at a minimum nasty propaganda about Pakistan’s alleged evils, but the official narrative may be mostly quiet after a short time. Instead, we’ll be hearing more about Syria, and probably Saudi Arabia and her close neighbors. The Saudis are never secure, never so powerful as we are led to believe. The current picture could change in less than a week if someone told the CIA to turn up the heat. With Syria, I’m convinced there’s a direct link to our government’s plans for Iran.

Domestically, I expect to see a lot of shuffling military assets around in such a way as to justify a renewal of conscription. There is currently a serious effort to negotiate with the Taliban, which signals to me an intention of moving troops from Afghanistan to other places. I’m not sure it will be enough in the eyes of the strategic planners for the next move, but I can’t help believing it’s part of the plan. I just don’t see how our ruling regime can press ahead with other military adventures without a major increase in personnel. I don’t pretend to know how that will play out, but I would expect some very creative policies on the way to it. This isn’t so much a central issue, but one which will signal bigger things. I’m convinced a renewed military draft is a small part of the larger enslavement plans.

Strictly as a matter of my own guessing, I feel some really big moves are coming in the next three months.

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