Government: A Class Apart

People who work in government are not at all typical, and usually not normal, either.

On the one hand, we know good moral people have no interest in governing. Godly people aren’t interested in telling others what to do, and would find utterly repugnant any job requiring them to enforce bad laws on others, even if the others are of questionable character. It’s called “common decency” and most of us have some. So people who gravitate to government work are already somewhat weak in this area.

On the other hand, the system is an entirely different world, and forces conformity. This is by far the greater issue at hand in what makes government so awful to the rest of us. Just about anyone can enter government service with the best of intentions, but the system simply will not permit good intentions. It’s not merely the moral corruption, but the whole thing is militantly closed to good and responsible action. It will tie you up and prevent good action, by dragging you down into pointless tail-chasing.

Furthermore, this system is so amazingly secret, few outside it can comprehend how pervasive this closure can be. To this day, you cannot get the straight story on a certain US Air Force officer whose death remains listed as a suicide. His own family, who found him hanging at home with his feet touching the floor, were not savvy enough to read the evidence in front of them, and they don’t know the truth of how he died. It was kinky sex-for-hire, something well known in the sexual entertainment underground, where cutting off the flow of oxygen near the moment of orgasm increases the thrill; the medical term for that reduced oxygen is “anoxia,” a symptom of which is euphoria. Of course, guys do forget to stand up from time to time, and their bodies are found every day somewhere in the world, still attached to some choking mechanism. If this is news to you, it’s just a symptom of the diseased mind which creates such a secret world, because everything about that world is totally separate and secret.

A primary feature of this secret ghost realm of government is the vast depth of pervasive sexual weirdness. Perversion is one thing; we all know what inappropriate sexual desires are, mostly because we all have them. But these people do stuff you simply cannot imagine, and it turns your stomach when you find out. The previously mentioned Air Force officer was a friend of mine, and it was frankly a kindness to his family they weren’t told the whole story. Better to think he was depressed and died from stresses he never discussed, because his job was deep in the military secrecy stuff, which he never divulged to his family. This is not a military thing; it’s a government thing. This was a pretty decent man who was perverted by his situation. He was just one anecdote among so many others. He did not carry around a fake decency while a raging psychopath inside; he was a decent man who was forced to engage a raging psychopathy, and chemical escape was simply not an option.

We then realize things like the Franklin Scandal here in the US, and the Dutroux Affair in Europe, are really quite tame. They are glimpses of what is rather pedestrian for this other world apart. If someone were to reveal the more perverse stuff, we could not believe it simply because our minds would recoil in horror. We are decent. Normal decent people can’t handle that sort of stuff, nor should they have to face it. Humans aren’t wired for that, and it shocks the system. (Horror flicks and porn are designed to break down our decency.) That’s what the real psychopaths count on, because it allows them great leverage in gaining and keeping control over the vast army of servants they must use.

Nor am I tossing around the term “psychopath” lightly. These people are not of us. They look the same, and the successful ones act the same. They are not the same at all. They are wired differently; they don’t fear consequences, learn nothing from unpleasant experiences. Hook them up to an electroshock devices, warn them they will get a jolt with a countdown timer they can see, and even on the third or fourth time, they still don’t anticipate the shock. Normal people tense up and dread even the harmless shocks (until they get a really large number of them over an extended period of time), because they are wired to avoid painful consequences. Not just electrical shocks, but any sort of event which shocks the human neural system. Psychopaths feel pain, but don’t remember it, in that sense.

Right now, this is the kind of people who run all Western governments. They may or may not be the faces we see in the news, but the real government is in the hands of people who would have to take acting lessons and practice on reacting to shocking sights so as to appear somewhat normal. When you spend time in the company of such, it spreads like a disease. You either adapt, flee or kill yourself. Most people adapt, because that’s another human instinct, but it deeply scars the psyche. It’s seldom a conscious decision. Another friend of mine in that same military security business was hanging on by a thread, aching for the day he could retire, and complained to me privately how sickening his job was. His job within the system exposed him less directly to the pervasive insanity as our other friend, and I suspect he kept himself from being promoted to avoid getting sucked in any deeper. I lost touch with him over the years, but pray often he’s recovered some of his sanity. I didn’t know what he knew; I was aware of this stuff because it was my job to escort these people when they carried anything requiring an armed guard. I had my own demons to face with a far lower security clearance. But those demons were everywhere I went in those NATO offices, and I know from indirect contacts they can get worse and are in every part of Western governments.

This is why I militantly dismiss any notion these things can be fixed by reform. The system will not heal itself. I realize there is no way on this earth to get rid of such a mess once and for all, but we hardly need to put up with what we have now. An armed revolt is simply not possible; we aren’t ready for that much killing, and it only beckons a fresh set of demons. Natural processes will do plenty of killing soon enough as the system comes apart. Just try to stay out of the way. Our best hope is to minimize demonic influences in the rebuilding process, and that’s been described here often enough. But when your local party apparatchiks are sickos who think nothing of torturing or assassinating someone who disagrees with the party leadership, you have to realize the system is broken by design, not simply worn out and needing some refreshing.

How I have managed to stay sane after my brush with such filth is entirely a miracle of God. Don’t try this at home; God can do anything He likes fixing our problems, but it would be foolish to fling a challenge in His face. “Keep me sane while I consort with demons!” You can’t prevent all exposure, but there’s no need to chase trouble down dark alleys.

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